On 16 February 2015 at 20:38, Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> wrote:

> On 02/16/2015 12:06 PM, jan i wrote:
>> Hi
>> No response here, so I assume the FFT will be covered by Nick.
> My impression was that he was saying that he was *not* doing it, and was
> looking for a replacement.

So was mine, but I have received a private mail, with a different story, so
I guess we will hear more.

I have tried to make a editor track and a "small projects" track, but it is
very difficult to see which talks are open and how the PMCs look at them.
We miss people who review the general parts (meaning not the big tracks).

Looks at the moment as if I will have some extra time to spare at ACNA,
unless I/We find a way of defining tracks for the "not big, not top pick"

jan I.

>> rgds
>> jan i.
>> On 13 February 2015 at 12:48, jan i <j...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On 12 February 2015 at 23:23, Nick Burch <n...@apache.org> wrote:
>>>  Hi All
>>>> Hopefully most of you will know about the Fast Feather Track? For those
>>>> who don't, it's often described as:
>>>>   a series of short talks, 10-20 minutes in length, covering things that
>>>>> are new / interesting / exciting / incubating / recently changed / etc.
>>>>> It's a great chance to learn about what's hot, what's new, and what's
>>>>> coming soon! Whether that's a new project entering the incubator,
>>>>> something
>>>>> shortly to graduate, or an amazing new area of technology that'll
>>>>> change
>>>>> everything when it's done, the Fast Feather Track is the place for it!
>>>> It tends to be a mixture of people having their first chance of speaking
>>>> at ApacheCon, and old-hands talking about the fun new thing that has got
>>>> them all excited once more. As such, it's an important source of
>>>> practice
>>>> for new speakers (many of whom go on to give great full talks the
>>>> session
>>>> after), and a chance for more experience ASFers in the audience to learn
>>>> about interesting new things in a friendly small space.
>>>> (There have also been bigger FFT sessions during lunches, where more
>>>> experienced speakers spoke to a bigger audience about
>>>> fun/new/interesting
>>>> stuff, which has worked well as and when the lunch setup permits it)
>>>> A few years ago, I made the mistake of asking the then ApacheCon
>>>> conference committee what was happening with the Fast Feather track that
>>>> event, and somehow landed up running it then, and for some time to
>>>> come...
>>>> However, I worry that I might've been organising it too long, and so I'd
>>>> like to offer it up in case someone else fancies taking over running it
>>>> for
>>>> Austin?
>>>>  no way you do a good job, you have the experience. It is not so easy to
>>> loose something you do well.
>>>> Organisational wise, it isn't too much work. You need to write a little
>>>> bit about what you want in the track and who should submit (plenty of
>>>> examples on the wiki! Just search within http://wiki.apache.org/
>>>> apachecon
>>>> ).
>>>> Then you just setup a form / google doc / etc to collect session
>>>> proposals, put out the word to potential speakers (pmcs@, general@i.a.o
>>>> ,
>>>> twitter etc), notify whoever you want to have, tell the LF what space
>>>> you
>>>> need, turn up and learn lots of new fun things! :)
>>>> So, anyone fancy trying their hand at conference organising with a nice
>>>> small, easily manageable, fun mini-track thing? Fast Feather needs you!
>>>>  Well if you really want to give it up, I could offer to be point on
>>> FFT;
>>> provided you promise to help behind the scenes (e.g. convincing the grey
>>> beards to participate).
>>> It of course need to be coordinated with my TAC work on site, but that
>>> should be possible.
>>> rgds
>>> jan i.
>>>> Nick
> --
> Rich Bowen - rbo...@rcbowen.com - @rbowen
> http://apachecon.com/ - @apachecon

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