Hi Dan,
I have now made the system prefer those list first on the report in that order (and any other lists come later then)

With regards,

On 2015-03-03 13:58, Dan Haywood wrote:
Nice work, Daniel.

request: could the subscribers graphs be in the order of users, dev,
commits, private?


On 3 March 2015 at 12:42, Daniel Gruno <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:

Apologies, I was hacking on that chart while you were watching, it should
be finished now - it's an attempt at least :)

With regards,

On 2015-03-03 13:32, Rob Vesse wrote:

Setting the fake date didn't seem to do the trick and actually broke the
mock up release timeline graphic someone already hacked in

I like the time line somebody already mocked up though it doesn't display
that nicely in Safari at least.  The other thing I was thinking of was a
simple graph similar to the mailing list subscriber graphs that just
graphs number of releases per reporting period


On 03/03/2015 11:51, "Daniel Gruno" <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:

  Hi Rob,
If the release you messed up is within the last 3 months, you can just
override it with a fake older date and make it go out of view (add the
release again and set the date to 1970-01-01 for instance). I'll work on
a smarter editing feature soon.

Viewing previous release cycles and such would indeed be cool, but I'd
probably need some sort of mock-up from you to be able to create it -
I'm not sure how it should be displayed and what info to include. I'm
not saying you should open up ye olde MS Paint and draw something, but
some sort of visual idea would be nice.

With regards,

On 2015-03-03 12:44, Rob Vesse wrote:


This is really cool

Quick question - how do we correct errors in the release data?  I just
went through and added all the releases for the PMC of which I am a
and realised I made a typo in the version number for one of our
Where do I go to correct this?

Also it would be nice if the web UI would allow you to view all the
releases and give you average release cadence

Keep up the great work!



On 03/03/2015 10:50, "Daniel Gruno" <humbed...@apache.org> wrote:

  Hi folks,
as some of you will have noticed, either by the commits I just made or
conversations going on elsewhere, I have started work on a new helper
system for PMCs called the Apache Reporter Service. This is sort of an
external addition to Whimsy, and shows various statistics and data for
projects, designed to aid chairs (and other lurkers) in viewing and
compiling data for board reports.

The system is now live at: https://reporter.apache.org - you will need
to be a PMC member of a project to view this site, and you will - in
general - only be shown data for projects where you are on the PMC.

The system will show you:
- Your next report date and the chair of the project
- PMC and committership changes over the past 3 months, as well as
latest additions if >3 months ago
- The latest releases done this quarter (if added by RMs)
- Mailing list statistics: number of subscribers as well as number of
emails sent this quarter and the previous
- JIRA tickets opened/closed this quarter (if correctly mapped within
the system)
- A mock-up of a board report, with the above data compiled into it (to
be edited heavily by the chair!)

Quick-navigation (hot-links) can be done by using the LDAP name of a
project in the URL, for instance: https://reporter.apache.org/?apr
navigate directly to the Apache Portable Runtime project if you are on
that PMC (or a member of the foundation).

The report mock-up is meant as a help only, not a canonical template
board reports. Vital items, such as community activity and board issues
are intentionally left for the reporter (chair) to fill out, and heaven
help the woman/man who submits a report with these fields left as
default ;).

Later today, I plan to enable the distribution watching part of this
service, which will send reminders to anyone who pushes a release, that
they should (not required, but if they want to!) add their release data
to the system, so as to help others using the system to get an overview
of the status of any given project.

I have already gotten a lot of really useful feedback, but if you see
something you'd like to change, either shoot me an email here on the
comdev list, or commit a change to the system in svn.

With regards,

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