Hi Karl,
If you don't want to add release data for plugins, you can simply disregard the email, it is not a requirement but merely a help to others that want to track how Maven is doing. Whether you add data for all plugins or just Maven is entirely up to you.

The artifact is the PMC that releases. If you need to put a project or plugin name into it, just use the version field. We'll figure out a smarter way to display the release timeline soon enough :)

With regards and thanks for adding things,

On 2015-03-03 22:22, Karl Heinz Marbaise wrote:

as a PMC member i received based on a new release the following email...

I have taken a look and i have reported some versions...

The problem i have currently is that only for Maven itself there are entries....but in maven.apache.org we release a large number of plugins...can be seen http://maven.apache.org/plugins/ the question is:

Is it intended to add also the releases of those plugins etc. as i did...but based on the template it allows only a single artifact "Maven" with a version...


Kind regards
Karl Heinz Marbaise

On 3/3/15 9:55 PM, Apache Reporter Service wrote:
This is an automated email from reporter.apache.org.
I see that you just pushed something to our release repository for the maven project.

If you are a PMC member of this project, we ask that you log on to:
and add your release data (version and date) to the database.

If you are not a PMC member, please have a PMC member add this information.

While this is not a requirement, we ask that you still add this data to the reporter database, so that people using the Apache Reporter Service will be
able to see the latest release data for this project.

With regards,
The Apache Reporter Service.

Mit freundlichem Gruß
Karl-Heinz Marbaise

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