Excellent. First thing you should do is give the code a try. See 

It's a quickly hacked together solution but it works. Here's what I would 
suggest (feel free to deviate and create your own path, also note that these 
need not be sequential, though I'd imagine 1. Is necessary to learn how it 

1.1. checkout the code and make it run locally
1.2. modify the code to search in your chosen geographic region
1.3. perform a few test search and filter exercises and submit the results to us

At this point we could deploy a region specific instance of the application, 
but that's not ideal. So more work to do...

2.1 modify code to make search area configurable (requires adding an admin 
interface for search)
2.2 add your region to the database
2.3 add ability for users to search geographically (there is someone working on 
this already)

Now we can deploy a single instance that supports multiple regions, much 
better. But still more...

3.1 Internationalize the application and translate all strings

However, please note, that curation of the listed events needs to be an ongoing 
effort. Everyone is a volunteer here, so you are not making a long term 
commitment, but please be aware that the above work is of no use if nobody does 
the ongoing work of reviewing the events. We have someone doing that for 
anything that it English language but if they are in other languages she will 
be unable to help. This suggests another feature...

4.1 Add automatic translations of events to the admin pages to allow English 
speaking users to curate non-English listings.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Garcia [mailto:rmgarc...@pipeline.sbcc.edu] 
Sent: Wednesday, April 6, 2016 10:24 AM
To: dev@community.apache.org
Subject: Re: Help with task: Make our event calendar less US centric

Sounds great. I would also like to get involved.
On Apr 6, 2016 10:20 AM, "Michelle Escobar" <escobarmichelle...@gmail.com>

> I would like to help out with the task listed at 
> https://na01.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3a%2f%2fhelpw
> anted.apache.org%2ftask.html%3f364cfb49&data=01%7c01%7cRoss.Gardler%40
> microsoft.com%7cd5d3ce946564484c0d2008d35e403853%7c72f988bf86f141af91a
> b2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=Do6OyVl84DYpXFeWnU5XFJRJahVjT9PtWaKGzy1Ls4s%3d

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