Hi Isabel

What a brilliant idea! I'd like to participate and also help out where I can.


On 11/05/17 06:03, Ted Dunning wrote:
Since this suggestion is to mixed open/closed lists, I have moved all
emails except dev@comm.a.o to bcc.

I also trimmed vats of details from the original email.

I think that this is a very cool idea and would be happy to raise some
funds for it, perhaps for snacks or Mate.

I would also love to attend and contribute more substantively, iff'n the
Creek don't rise <http://www.worldwidewords.org/qa/qa-god1.htm>.

On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 1:15 PM, Isabel Drost-Fromm <isa...@apache.org>


Ever since I started that thing my head has been tossing around the idea
to see if one could arrange something bigger. Something that touches
community management, open development, inner source, project neutrality,
foundation growth, async communication - essentially some sort of Apache
Community Summit, or Apache Community Hackathon to overload the meetup
acronym's meaning.

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