
It’s been a couple of weeks since this thread has died down but I found a few 
of hours today to finish off a functional proof of concept version of the 
“Guess the Apache logo” application.

The source code (nothing fancy or complex) is here [1], and you can see it in 
action here [2]. It’s under Apache license and I can donate it to ASF / comdev 
if they have a place to put it. Feedback welcome. It’s JS app so will run in 
any browser. I’m not tested it on mobile or for cross browser compatability.

Apologies in advance for any projects that are missing (raise PR’s please), 
logos that are out of date, and my butchering of the “blurry” logos (stand back 
I’m editing pixels!).


1. https://github.com/justinmclean/ApacheLogos
2. https://rawgit.com/justinmclean/ApacheLogos/master/compiled/index.html
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