Hello Sharan,

sorry for the late response, does this also include an innovative solution
that one would need a team of experts protals developers to help bring it
to life..?


On Wed, Feb 14, 2018 at 4:18 PM, Sharan F <sha...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hello Everyone
> This is an initial reminder to let you all know that we are holding an
> Apache EU Roadshow co-located with FOSS Backstage in Berlin on 13^th and
> 14^th June 2018. https://s.apache.org/tCHx
> The Call for Proposals (CFP) for the Apache EU Roadshow is currently open
> and will close at the end of next week, so if you have been delaying making
> a submission because the closing date seemed a long way off, then it's time
> to start getting your proposals submitted.
> So what are we looking for?
> We will have 2 Apache Devrooms available during the 2 day Roadshow so are
> looking for projects including incubating ones, to submit presentations,
> panel discussions, BoFs, or workshop proposals. The main focus of the
> Roadshow will be IoT, Cloud, Httpd and Tomcat so if your project is
> involved in or around any of these technologies at Apache then we are very
> interested in hearing from you.
> Community and collaboration is important at Apache so if your project is
> interested in organising a project sprint, meetup or hackathon during the
> Roadshow, then please submit it inthe CFP as we do have some space
> available to allocate for these.
> If you are wanting to submit a talk on open source community related
> topics such as the Apache Way, governance or legal aspects then please
> submit these to the CFP for FOSS Backstage.
> Tickets for the Apache EU Roadshow are included as part of the
> registration for FOSS Backstage, so to attend the Roadshow you will need to
> register for FOSS Backstage. Early Bird tickets are still available until
> the 21^st February 2018.
> Please see below for important URLs to remember:
> -  To submit a CFP for the Apache EU Roadshow :
> http://apachecon.com/euroadshow18/ <http://apachecon.com/euroadshow18/>
> -  To submit a CFP for FOSS Backstage : https://foss-backstage.de/call
> -papers
> -  To register to attend the Apache EU Roadshow and/or FOSS Backstage :
> https://foss-backstage.de/tickets
> For further updates and information about the Apache EU Roadshowplease
> check http://apachecon.com/euroadshow18/
> Thanks
> Sharan Foga, VP Apache Community Development

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