Dear Sir/Madam,

Thanks for the feedback. Double check again, so if there's an issue which
shows the "open" tag, I could just comment on it and show that I am
researching it first. Then I can make the pull request regarding to this
issue. Is that OK for pulling request to the issue which has not
distributed or already assigning to somebody? Is it because I am not the
"developer group" member or I am a newcomer so that I cannot see the
"Assign to me" button on JIRA? How should I do to dig deeper in a community
or a project? Could you please give me some instructions?

Best regards

Mark Thomas <> 於 2018年8月30日 週四 下午5:24寫道:

> On 30/08/2018 10:06, Jack Tsai wrote:
> > Dear Sir/Madam,
> > Hi, I am a newcomer of Apache. I wonder that why others could assign the
> > issue to themselves. However, I cannot see the "Assign" link in the
> Apache
> > JIRA. In which ways I could make this button shows up? I don't know if I
> > cannot assign the issue to me, how could I make contribution to the
> issue?
> > Could you give me some instructions?
> Jack,
> This is a side effect of the (poor in my opinion) way some projects have
> configured their Jira workflow.
> My recommendation is not to worry about assigning issues. Just comment
> on the issue that you are researching it and then add comments / patches
> as you progress.
> As a counter-example, Tomcat (actually all projects using Bugzilla
> rather than Jira) has the assignee hard-coded to the appropriate dev@
> mailing list and simply doesn't bother with the concept of assignee.
> Mark

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