Thank you for the summary Sharan! It was my first time behind the ASF stand. It was nice to talk to so many users and also interesting to see how many people do not know what the ASF is.

I'm unsure whether asking for donations directly at the stand is an effective way to get donations. I think it would be worthwhile to think about a general strategy for asking for donations from individuals, which I believe the ASF does not do at the moment.

Generally speaking, I think we were missing space at FOSDEM and that made communication hard. The ASF is huge and there is so much potential to introduce folks to the ASF or its projects. I think we could have a dedicated room just for presenting ASF projects and getting people involved. I may be thinking too big here, but I think we can expand our presence at FOSDEM.


On 06.02.19 16:44, Myrle Krantz wrote:
Also: 3 different people talked to me about bringing their projects to the

Best Regards,

On Wed, Feb 6, 2019 at 4:07 PM Rich Bowen <> wrote:

On 2/6/19 7:46 AM, Daniel Gruno wrote:
On 2/6/19 1:43 PM, Daniel Ruggeri wrote:
Hi, Sharan;
     Great summary! I am especially delighted to see the fresh take on
individual giving. I think that's a super cool idea. An idea for
future events: we could provide a QR code that leads to donate.a.o or,
as Kevin mentioned, physical card swipe capability on site. The
physical device is an idea only recently surfaced, but is in the
backlog for elaboration.

We were in fact discussing having something like the paypal reader at
the conference! Beep, boop, done, €5 donated! or some such.

Another idea we had was live signup for mailing lists, as we sometimes
have people who are very interested in a project or an idea, but then
drop because SO MANY THINGS AT FOSDEM TO REMEMBER, so if we could have
the chromebook have a "sign me up" kind of page, where people get subbed
to the dev list and get an introduction a few days later, that would be

The dev list ... of a particular project? Or this dev list? Or ...
something else?

I imagine that most of the people that sign up would then pretty quickly
drop off again, but if we can capture even a handful of new interested
people, this would be a huge win.

Is there an appropriate foundation-wide list that we could put them on?
Like for example? Or this list? Presenting them a
list of 200 projects to choose from could be very intimidating, when we
have a minute or two to catch their attention.

Rich Bowen -

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