Yes, you can absolutely count on me to help in any way possible. I'd love to be 
a part of closing the loop on what we started all those years ago. I've been 
much less active recently it would be an honor to help you kick of the next 


From: Liu Ted <>
Sent: Friday, March 22, 2019 6:54 PM
To:; Rich Bowen;
Subject: 回复:Re: Establishing an Events PMC?

Hi Rich, A big +1.
To scale out, we may also refer to how Arduino Day operates 659 events in 106 
countries on March 16 2019. I helped out and participated Arduino Day 2019 - 
Beijing. Please see more details in;data=02%7C01%7C%7C586ed0cd64754d8cf99508d6af328e09%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636889028990000250&amp;sdata=hANvCxFPhYvJVAD%2FHg%2BfW3tWAMbRQ5TQ1M82CNkTIHM%3D&amp;reserved=0

Best regards,

Ted Liu,
ASF Member, Sponsor Ambassador, Incubator PMC Member

  2019 年 3 月 23 日周六 1:00,Rich Bowen<> 写道:

On 3/22/19 12:59 PM, Kevin A. McGrail wrote:
> I like the idea especially the roadshow first to establish a beachhead.  I
> would add that a collocated event might be ok in some circumstances too as
> a first landing.

Yes, I just added collocated as a category in the document I'm working
on. Thanks for that reminder.

> On Fri, Mar 22, 2019, 11:28 Rich Bowen < wrote:
>> Several years ago, due to many reasons (let's call it "dysfunction" for
>> now) ConCom - the Conferences Committee - was disbanded by the Board,
>> and replaced with a single individual - myself - designated as VP
>> Conferences. This was largely due to break the gridlock of dealing with
>> 30 people, with 50 opinions, for every single time-sensitive decision
>> around events.
>> So far, so good.
>> As we are faced with a sudden explosive expansion in our official stable
>> of events, we are building ad-hoc processes for managing these.
>> Again, so far, so good. Having dedicated per-event leads is working
>> remarkably well in 2019.
>> I have ... concerns ... going into 2020. With pushes to add events in
>> Brazil, China, South Korea, Japan, India, and who knows where else, I am
>> concerned that this is going to get away from us again. And it's not so
>> much about control, as about having early failures in new markets and
>> harming our chances for the future.
>> I would like, for example, to have policies around how we expand into
>> new regions. Like, say, that you can't do an "ApacheCon" in a new region
>> before doing a "Roadshow" there to scout it out, so to speak. I don't
>> want to squish enthusiasm. I also don't want to suddenly be expected to
>> fund, promote, and organize 8 conference with a machine designed to run
>> two.
>> I digress.
>> I would like to propose the following.
>> 1) That we (primarily, myself, Ross, and any former members of ConCom
>> who are able to participate) clearly document why ConCom failed, and was
>> disbanded. To do this in a dispassionate non-fault-finding way.
>> 2) That we document how the new Events organization will be managed,
>> explicitly documenting ways that we will avoid the failings of ConCom.
>> 3) That we establish a new Events PMC, documenting how it will related
>> to both Marketing and ComDev (since there will always be overlap in
>> those two places).
>> Ross, is this something that you can help me with over the coming 6
>> months or so?
>> --
>> Rich Bowen -
>> @rbowen
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Rich Bowen -;data=02%7C01%7C%7C586ed0cd64754d8cf99508d6af328e09%7C84df9e7fe9f640afb435aaaaaaaaaaaa%7C1%7C0%7C636889028990000250&amp;sdata=syaOCGLE4KYjBKwYz3429kqiY4JJv%2FdLNSs%2BGiWlGCc%3D&amp;reserved=0

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