+ ComDev

Com Dev we intend to move the D&I responsibility to a separate Presidents 
committee. The outputs will be fully integrated with ComDev, but actions will 
be separate in order to allow a scalpel like approach independent of the 
broader interests of ComDev which should focus on all community, not just some.

I want to be very clear about why I phrase my request this way, and why I am 
sorting this move. I speak as the original VP of ComDev, past director and 
president, current EVP and, most importantly, white, middle aged and male, with 
a somewhat unique experience and over 30 years of advocacy for equality 
(including a politically and diversity motivated music career, living as part 
of a 3% minority, running a consultancy with a partner specializing in 
accessibility, dealing with D&I issues in my day job and my home life and 
generally being aware that despite all this I'm full of unconcious bias).

I was the point of contact for the CoC here at the ASF for a number of years 
and as a result was involved with a number of cases, three of which involved 
law enforcement. I repeat, the of which involved law enforcement.

What most people fail to understand is that there is a "build up" of isms. What 
might be small (like saying "you guys") is one droplet of "ism" that fills the 
pool that ultimately either drowns people or drives them away in self 

Most of the issues we have are droplets like this (though please remember three 
cases involved law enforcement). Very few of us, if any, are outright sexist or 
racist or "ableist". Yet the majority of us contribute, inadvertently, to the 
problem through unconscious bias.

Nobody is asking us to be perfect. But we are asking for people to recognize 
they are imperfect. Just these discussions about the need for D&I are examples 
of the problem.

ComDev should support the separation of the D&I initiative so that it can 
continue to focus on community all-up. D&I should be a Presidents committee 
where things can get done without participants having to face the pointless and 
endless discussions over whether there is even a problem.

I know that's not how the Apache Way works, but we have precedence all over the 
place. The key is to ensure there is oversight to prevent overstepping.

Even ComDev itself, which was set up to run GSoC engagements, ran for years as 
me being a BD organizing GSoC, otherwise we would have spent all the GSOC 
planning time arguing about how to evaluate projects and how the process is 
unfair. ComDev was created when I had solidified the process, not before. PR, 
which devolved into a shooting match unable to progress eventually became Sally 
and the board kicked everyone out and let Sally rebuild. ConCom also failed 
because of the noise. It took years of Rich being a BD before we got into a 
healthy state, even today with a committee, we have leads for each event. 
Legal, trademarks, finance - all are structured this way. All remain answerable 
to the board, sometimes via Prez,
and thus the membership regardless of structure.

2015 was the first year I spoke about D&I as Prez. It was far too late.

Others had been trying for years.

I considered the fact that I would be attacked for doing it (and I was).

I did it anyway (and I was right to do so).

Since then we've done alot, but not enough.

Time to step up or get out of the way. I welcome oversight, I reject 
obstructionist behavior.

ComDev please acknowledge we need to spin the D&I effort off. We need to 
empower the creation of finely tuned activities to help our communities 
understand this space. We need that to be a part - of the broader ComDev 
effort, but it should not be subject to the unconscious bias of the majority, 
like me.


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From: Bertrand Delacretaz <bdelacre...@apache.org>
Sent: Tuesday, April 30, 2019 4:46:13 AM
To: divers...@apache.org
Subject: Re: Requesting the creation of a Diversity and Inclusion committee 
reporting to the President


On Tue, Apr 30, 2019 at 12:44 PM Jim Jagielski <j...@jagunet.com> wrote:
> ...I guess the main question is whether or not ComDev, which has D&I in its
> charter and mandate, is OK with another cmmt taking on its role in this 
> area...

Good point, I agree that the comdev PMC needs to agree to "spin off"
D&I to a distinct committee or PMC.

> ...That seems very, very wonky to me and quite out of form..

I see it as just one thing that needs to be fixed and is easy to fix,
by a comdev PMC vote for example - no big deal.


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