There should not be a discussion on a prepare list. Please bring that 
discussion here. This is a core part of the Apache Way.


Sent from my phone, you know what that means - sorry

From: Swapnil M Mane <>
Sent: Wednesday, December 4, 2019 12:06:31 AM
To: dev <>
Cc: Sharan Foga <>
Subject: Re: Apache Local Community (ALC) as a ComDev Initiative

Thank you so much Issac and Rich for sharing your kind thoughts.
I have read your every input minutely and started a discussion on the
private ComDev list, will keep you posted.

Thanks again!

Best regards,
Swapnil M Mane,<>

On Wed, Dec 4, 2019 at 12:14 AM Rich Bowen <> wrote:
> While I'm excited to see this kind of local ambassador program springing
> up, I want to be sure that we are not having people use the Apache name
> to promote messages that are not *our* message.
> Having local groups of enthusiasts having periodic meetings is great.
> What I'm asking is what assurances we want to have in place that the
> messaging at these events is accurate?
> In the past, when we have had an official (for whatever value of
> "official" we want to go with) Apache-sponsored thing, we require a
> member to be involved, so that we know that the message is from someone
> who actually knows what the message is. What I'm seeing here is a
> free-form "create a group by asking nicely" without any member, or even
> committer involved. And the events, and their messaging, are then being
> promoted on an website, which means that they are an
> official statement of the Foundation.
> I'm feeling a little weird about that.
> I agree with Isaac, in that we don't want to set up a lengthy list of
> rules for who and how and what, I think that we need to be cautious
> about handing out our name, and our reputation, to just anybody that
> asks for it. Indeed, it's really kind of critical that we don't. Our
> name, and our reputation, are really the only things that we have, and
> we simply cannot have unaffiliated groups using our name to promote
> messages that are not Approved By Apache.
> Please note that I'm not saying that this has happened thus far. I don't
> know that, having not attended any of these events. But we have a long
> history of people using our name to promote their own agendas, and we
> *must* not allow that.
> On 11/19/19 1:24 PM, Sharan Foga wrote:
> > Hi All
> >
> > Thanks Swapnil for the links about the ALC and I have re-read through the 
> > threads. I remembered sensing some push back on the proposed organisational 
> > hierarchy and see that has now been removed. Following on from that there 
> > was the comment of ALC  being managed either within ComDev or VP 
> > Conferences.
> >
> > I dont think this fits with Conferences as it is more like a local meetup 
> > type event, which means outreach, which to me means ComDev.
> >
> > So now we need to look at how to manage the integration of the ALC 
> > initiative. Based on Sally's feedback that means announcing and promoting 
> > the initiative to a wider audience. I can see some key actions already
> >
> > -   announce the ALC as an initiative (Swapnil we can probably create this 
> > from your emails about it. Can you draft something? )
> > -     promote the next event (include it on the Events calendar, tweet via 
> > @ApacheCommunity and include a reminder on ComDev)
> > -    plan for future events (ALC Indore seems to be having events every 1 - 
> > 2 months, so let's put them on the calendar and prepare for it.)
> > -   funding (I am not sure if ALC is getting any funding as part of ASF 
> > small events, or it is being covered from a third party.? BTW ComDev also 
> > has a budget that could be used to help with stickers, swag etc)
> > -   grow the ALC community (several people said they were interested in 
> > setting up other ALCs but so far none have. This could be because of the 
> > lack of announcement of the initiative - so lets focus on that first)
> >
> > I'm happy to get feedback and comments on this so please feel free to 
> > respond if you have any ideas or suggestions.
> >
> > Thanks
> > Sharan
> >
> >
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> Rich Bowen -
> @rbowen
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