Hi @all,

i'm PMC in several JavaEE related projects at Apache and never participated
in GSOC or similar.
As you all may know, the JavaEE world is currently migrating to JakartaEE.
Therefore there are many maintenance tasks in all those projects like
renaming javax.*->jakarta.*, Java11 migration, JUnit5, ...

I now have a friend that is currently studying and wants to take part in
the GSOC.
We live in the same city and we have been working together.
I would really like to be matched with this particular student when he
makes his project proposal.

I have 2 questions about this matter:

1) How can i take part in this matching decision?

2) Would one story like "Apache BVal maintenance" with some substories
(like "javax->jakarta", java 11 migration, etc) be enough?


Best regards,

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