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On Wed, Jun 30, 2021 at 7:19 AM Floriane Allaire
<> wrote:
> Hello to the Apache Nifi Community,
> I would like to commit some work done, for the nifi project. However, if I
> understand correctly I need to obtain an Apache User ID in order to link
> the account using the gitbox setup to github. But in order for me to create
> an apache user ID I need to complete and submit an ICLA. In addition I need
> to be invited by an incubator podling or PMC, in order to have the ASF
> activate my committer account.
> How can I get an incubator or PMC to invite me to contribute? For now,
> there is 2 main issues I would like to work on: NIFI-8703
> <> and NIFI-8747
> <>
> Sincerely,
> Floriane ALLAIRE

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