Hi Rich,

I strongly agree with your proposal for forming working groups. As a
newcomer to the Apache Community without the technical background, I have
always hoped to have more opportunities to contribute to the ASF beyond
participating in the community building of my own project, but often didn't
know where to start. I believe the formation of working groups can provide
a clear path for more people (like me) wanting to contribute to the ASF
level to engage in some specific tasks, thereby making our community more

And I think the Working Group Working Group (WG WG) is very essential. Much
of its work involves how to build the community (as each WG is acting as a
mini-community in itself). Moreover, I believe the WG WG wouldn't be
short-lived. Initially, it would focus on defining WGs, but later on, it
could dedicate itself to helping various WGs operate more effectively.

I would love to join the WG WG, please count me in. BTW, I've also just
come back from the FOSDEM. That was very inspiring, and I hope to
contribute more to our community.


Nadia Jiang

Twitter: @jiangbonadia
LinkedIn: @nadiajiang

Rich Bowen <rbo...@rcbowen.com> 于2024年2月8日周四 00:22写道:

> Proposed: A Working Group to help define Working Groups
> No, I’m not suggesting a top-down governance of working groups. What I’m
> suggesting is a group to discuss what a working group looks like and what
> kind of tools and processes we want to put in place to make sure that each
> WG isn’t inventing everything from scratch every time. This also makes it
> easier for folks to get involved in WGs, if they all look similar, and you
> don’t have to relearn everything every time.
> Topics would include:
> * Where to we want to track WG status? I would propose that we create
> GitHub.com/apache/community for stuff like this, to mirror
> GitHub.com/kubernetes/community, at least in spirit, but would like to
> discuss this with more people
> * Define an actual data file (See
> https://github.com/kubernetes/community/blob/master/sigs.yaml for a
> possible template) that tracks what WGs exist, who’s involved, what they’re
> working on. Or perhaps this is too heavyweight. Dunno. I just want to make
> these things more discoverable
> * Responsibilities. For example, I think a WG should report to the ComDev
> PMC, for visibility, accountability, and to show the board that we’re
> actually doing stuff.
> * Membership. Who can be a member of a WG? What’s the connection between
> WG membership and comdev committer status? Do we need a formal WG chair, or
> is that too heavyweight?
> I imagine that the WG WG would be short-lived, although anything decided
> can obviously be revisited, and evolve over time.
> And nothing here should be construed as “you can only do stuff if you stay
> within these guard rails.” It’s just intended to give more structure to
> people that need more structure. Clearly defining roles and hats can really
> help people get involved when they see a huge tasks and no obvious way that
> they fit into it.
> What do y’all think?
> —
> Rich Bowen
> rbo...@rcbowen.com

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