> Thanks for the writeup Mike.
> I agree that we are using it wrong. It shouldn't reset every time we change
> the cadence version number. We can implement this change right away unless
> people have reason not to.


I have also heard rumblings about potentially removing the cadence number
> and using just SemVer. Since we are talking version numbers anyways, this
> might be a good time to discuss this.
> ...
> Sorry for going on a tangent in your thread Mike :p.

Steve, let's have this discussion on a separate thread. It's a big topic
and it deserves a focused thread. It's also something we should discuss in
next week's hangout, after everyone's had a chance to put some thought into


On Thu, Apr 10, 2014 at 11:53 AM, Steven Gill <stevengil...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Thanks for the writeup Mike.
> I agree that we are using it wrong. It shouldn't reset every time we change
> the cadence version number. We can implement this change right away unless
> people have reason not to.
> I have also heard rumblings about potentially removing the cadence number
> and using just SemVer. Since we are talking version numbers anyways, this
> might be a good time to discuss this.
> With platforms releases heading toward independent releases, our
> cadence number will soon become useless. IOS could be at 3.7.0 when
> FirefoxOS is at 3.4.0. What should the cadence number for the CLI be?
> When people think of what version Cordova is at, I figure it will be the
> version of the CLI.
> Cons
> - tooling dependent on X.Y.Z-A.B.C will break.
> - cadence number is historically how we make big splashes with our
> releases. Will this become more difficult?
> Pros
> - using SemVer properly
> I would propose if we do switch to SemVer only, that we start with our
> cadence value. For example, the CLI would be version 3.5.0. The cli's
> version number will increase at a much faster pace than platforms, but that
> is expected.
> Of course for us to get to this point, we should focus on figuring out our
> independent platform releases.
> Sorry for going on a tangent in your thread Mike :p
> Hi all,
> Recently, I've noticed that the cordova-cli is misusing the versioning
> scheme
> that is used by the phonegap-cli. It's a little confusing, but effective,
> so let
> me run through it.
> ---
> ---
> cordova@x.y.z-a.b.c
> ---
> X.Y.Z
> ---
> x.y.z is the version of Cordova that is bundled with the CLI. We all know
> this.
> ---
> A.B.C
> ---
> a.b.c is the package (semver) version of the cordova-cli node library.
> Imagine
> that the cordova-cli could support any version of Cordova, then a.b.c would
> be
> the sole version used by the npm package; similar to any other npm package.
> This version should always go up.
> ---
> ---
> The problem is that the cordova-cli is resetting a.b.c each time it
> increments
> x.y.z. For projects that use the node interface of the cordova-cli, this is
> a
> problem.
> a.b.c describes changes to the node programmatic interface, just like
> any other good node project published to npm. By resetting it, we confuse
> and hurt developers who depend on the API because they don't know what
> has changed in the node API.
> ---
> ---
> cordova@3.1.0-0.1.0 - first release
> cordova@3.1.0-0.2.0 - minor node api fix
> cordova@3.2.0-0.1.0 - what!? Why did the node version reset to 0.1.0?
> cordova@3.2.0-0.2.0 - minor node api fix
> cordova@3.3.0-0.1.0 - what!? Node API users must manually discover what
> changed
> ---
> ---
> cordova@3.1.0@0.1.0 - first release
> cordova@3.1.0@0.1.1 - patch to node package (no node api change)
> cordova@3.1.0@0.2.0 - minor to node package (backwards compatible api
> change)
> cordova@3.2.0@0.2.0 - new cordova release; no node package changes
> cordova@3.2.0@0.2.1 - patch to node package
> cordova@3.3.0@0.2.2 - new cordova release; patch to node package
> cordova@3.3.0@0.3.0 - minor to node package
> cordova@3.3.0@1.0.0 - major to node package (non-backwards compatible api
> change)
> cordova@3.4.0@1.1.0 - new cordova release; minor to node package
> cordova@3.4.0@1.1.1 - patch to node package
> I hope this helps to improve the cordova-cli versioning habit.
> Cheers!
> Michael

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