Thanks Nikhil!

On Wed, Jul 1, 2015 at 11:04 AM Nikhil Khandelwal <>

> The path to the keystore is relative depending on your context. It's
> relative to build.json when specified there. It's relative to the your
> current working directory when specified as a command line argument. Using
> '..\' - you should be able to move out of the cordova project directory.
> Also, absolute paths should just work - but they might make it difficult
> to be checked into source control.
> For iOS, it creates a MyProject.ipa just as you mentioned.
> Thanks,
> Nikhil
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Victor Sosa []
> Sent: Wednesday, July 1, 2015 7:18 AM
> To:
> Subject: Signing archive questions
> Hello all.
> I have a couple of questions with regarding the archive signing
> enhancement that is just in in 5.0.
> According to the Cordova Android docs[1], the keystore is the path to the
> binary key that will be used by Cordova to sign the APK. Is this path
> supposed to be always relative to the project? or can it be any path in the
> file system? In my tests, I was able to sign the archive only when the
> keystore is in my Cordova project and referencing using
> "mykeystore.keystore" which I assume looks in the root on the project
> because of the relative path in "keystore" key in either build.json or CLI
> argument.
> Also, this is my ignorance on iOS talking, Once the archive is signed for
> iOS, what's the name of the generated signed archive? Is it something like
> MyProject.ipa? I know in Android it is android-release.apk but I don't know
> iOS at all.
> Appreciate your help.
> [1]

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