The vote has now closed. The results are:

Positive Binding Votes: 3

- Steven Gill
- Vladimir Kotikov
- Sergey Grebnov

Negative Binding Votes: 0

The vote has passed.


-----Original Message-----
From: Vladimir Kotikov (Akvelon) [] 
Sent: Thursday, July 30, 2015 9:24 AM
Subject: RE: [Vote] 3.9.0 iOS Release

I vote +1

* Verified archives via `coho verify-archive`
* Verified that blank app creates correctly with platform
* Verified that blank app can be successfully ran and built
* Ran smoke testing of mobilespec app (ran autotests)

Best regards, Vladimir

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Gill []
Sent: Thursday, 30 July, 2015 2:57
Subject: Re: [Vote] 3.9.0 iOS Release


Ran coho verify
Created cordova project, added device plugin.

Had to update ios-sim to 4.0 so I could run cordova run ios. Got a nice message 
telling me to do that.
Cordova requirements is a nice command.

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 4:06 AM, Sergey Grebnov (Akvelon) <> wrote:

> Please review and vote on this 3.9.0 iOS Release by replying to this 
> email (and keep discussion on the DISCUSS thread)
> Release issue:
> The archive has been published to dist/dev:
> The package was published from its corresponding git tag:
> cordova-ios: 3.9.0 (209c1e9e02)
> Note that you can test it out via:
>     cordova platform add
> Blog post to review will be sent by separate email to Discuss thread.
> Upon a successful vote I will upload the archive to dist/ and publish 
> it to NPM
> Voting guidelines:
> .md
> Voting will go on for a minimum of 48 hours.
> I vote +1:
> * Ran coho audit-license-headers over the relevant repos
> * Ran coho check-license to ensure all dependencies and 
> subdependencies have Apache-compatible licenses
> * Performed manual smoke testing: platform could be added and built
> -Sergey Grebnov
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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