We've talked about it for awhile, but never moved on it. cordova-wp8 has
been a work horse that seen us through tough times but the sun is setting.

cordova-windows has been a viable alternative for some time now, and allows
developers to target newer device features from wp8.1 and wp10 as well.
Removing the responsibility of implementing changes in this now ancient
code base will free many of us to focus on making the windows universal
workflow better.

I would like to see this wrapped up by the end of the year, which for me is
the end of next week.

Some suggestions of what needs to happen next :
- display warning message in cli when devs type `cordova platform add wp8`
( next cordova-lib/cli release )
- provide a plugin-dev migration guide outlining how to leverage existing
C# code in a windows-universal application ( I will do this )
- update repos / documentation with polite wording to move on
- close a bunch of wp8 related issues in jira with "won't fix'
- put wp8 out to pasture

What are your thoughts?



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