In Visual Studio, we have a feature similar to "merges" to allow users to 
override content of platform folder. We use hooks to copy the contents of the 
folder to the platforms directory. Other than that VS does consider platforms/ 
directory a build artifact and often ends up deleting it on behalf of the user 
- especially when cordova CLI version is changed.

Perhaps we can add a similar feature to cordova CLI, to allow overrides of 
certain files and move to having platforms/ as a true build artifact.


-----Original Message-----
From: Carlos Santana [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 3:16 PM
Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] 'cordova platform update' alias for rm, add in 

I was never a fan of the "platform update" command since it was not fully 
tested across the board.
like all the permutations possible to/from upgrade. meaning going for very old 
like 3.6 to 5.1

If we do this I think it will break a lot of people that got used to changing 
files inside platform/ios/ in terms of changing XCode settings in pbxproj like:
- use story board to launch app to be able to support ipad pro
- some initialization code in AppDelegate
- Any native code they added like NativeUI to mix web and native
- Changes to StoryBoard to adjust webview inside native view
- Build and Signing settings in project or target in XCode
- Installation of cocoapods
- Xcode Build phases scripts

Meaning that they will need to restore or generate all this things with hooks 
or plugins.

I know that Darryl Pogue and Tommy have  projects where they can successfully 
treat platfforms folder as 100% build artifact that they can throw away. But to 
get there is not super easy

"platform update ios" has being scoped to only touch the CordovaLib xcode 
project, leaving the app xcode project not touched that's why it's being safe 
all along

What was the root cause of the recent problems with 4.1.0 for update?

Maybe we can restrict update command to major version,  meaning going from 4.x 
to 4.x is OK but from 3.x to 4.x is not OK.

In the current release of the IBM MobileFirst, were we have a CLI to wrap 
cordova commands we had a "$ mfp cordova platform update"
We took a backup of the platform folder and create a zip with a timestamp (like We did this just in case the command was destructive and 
user didn't lost files just in case they didn't have all files checked-in/backup

So doing a backup would be good if we move forward with this destructive action 
of doing a platform remove

On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 5:36 PM So, Byoungro <> wrote:

> I second that. +1
> Byoungro So
> SSG / DPD / Mobile Computing and Compilers Intel Corporation
> From: Anis KADRI <<>>
> Reply-To: "<>" < 
> Date: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 2:34 PM
> To: "<>" < 
> Subject: Re: [PROPOSAL] 'cordova platform update' alias for rm, add in 
> cordova-ios
> I support this as well. Real updates never work. Better to remove/add.
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 12:04 PM Steven Gill < 
> <>> wrote:
> I would also like to see this happen. Would this cause problems if we 
> did this for other platforms?
> On Tue, Mar 8, 2016 at 11:55 AM, Shazron <<mailto:
>>> wrote:
> > See:
> >
> >
> >
> > 1ab2d7cd011db47%7c1&sdata=Yn8Lqnh4gBDOe5996%2bQKvpZfI308xq%2fO73BUD1
> > U%2b7xI%3d
> >
> > Problem:
> > For cordova-ios, "cordova platform update" does its own thing, which 
> > causes problems.
> >
> > Proposal:
> > Change "cordova platform update ios@version" to be basically an 
> > alias
> for:
> > "cordova platform rm ios"
> > "cordova platform add ios@version"
> >
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