I’m hearing two purposes of a user list:
- Key announcements
- Self-help for users

I’m not totally convinced that slack + stack overflow are not sufficient for 
finding resources & common answers for cordova issues. Creating another channel 
will just fragment the community.

FWIW, our blog got about 50K pageviews for all blog entries (and blog listing) 
in the last month or so. That’s very low compared to over a million hits on our 
docs. I agree that we need to find better ways to reach out to users with key 
announcements. Perhaps the blog needs to be improved – write more engaging 
content, find opportunities for guest posts (cross posting – Raymond?), have an 
option to subscribe for notifications to it. We’ve added disqus to our blogs 
already – but we need to probably route the disqus comments to the “dev” list 
or slack to ensure enough people get to see it and we respond to those comments.

On a related note, we might want to consider a user list for plugin developers. 
In particular, we need to have conversations and discussions about breaking 
changes, design discussions etc. with this highly important, smaller target 
audience. There is no targeted forum for these developers currently. 


On 4/29/16, 9:31 AM, "kerrisho...@gmail.com on behalf of Kerri Shotts" 
<kerrisho...@gmail.com on behalf of ke...@photokandy.com> wrote:

>Thought I'd throw in my 2¢ worth:
>- If a user list is created, I'll gladly participate.
>- Having a Cordova-branded user list could be useful from a "branding"
>perspective. The Adobe Forums are "PhoneGap" branded, and the Google Group
>is named "phonegap" (although the welcome text makes clear that it is for
>both environments). Personally, I don't have a problem with the difference
>in branding, but for newcomers, I'm sure it raises a few questions ("why am
>I going to a phonegap group for a cordova question?").
>- As for the blog, as much as I like that the announcements show up there,
>not everyone is into feed readers (for whatever reason. I'm not one of of
>them -- I'm a feedly addict). For those who prefer email subscriptions, a
>user list for announcements would be handy.
>- Google Group is still going, but activity is falling off as people
>discover the Adobe Forums. The group may need to become r/o at some point
>in the future, especially if use declines to next-to-nothing.
>- Getting people to read is always the catch -- they just don't. Sometimes
>I'm guilty of the same. Human nature, I suspect!
>​~ Kerri​
>On Fri, Apr 29, 2016 at 9:26 AM, julio cesar sanchez <jcesarmob...@gmail.com
>> wrote:
>> ​...

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