The only known issue with Node v6 and Cordova is: CB-11200.  The bug breaks 
uninstallation of plugins with custom frameworks for iOS platform, such as 
Facebook plugin.

This JIRA has been resolved in corodva-ios master. We'll need a release of 
cordova-ios and a tools release pinning that version (unless the next release 
is a patch release).


-----Original Message-----
From: Victor Sosa [] 
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 7:54 AM
Subject: Node v6 support

Hi Community.

Node.js v6 was released early this month

When is Cordova going to support it as official runtime? Same thing that 
happened when Cordova CLI v5.x.x (don't remember the exact version) claimed 
support for Node.js v4.


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