Hey, guys

We've just ran into issue, caused by NPM v3 flat directory structure. The issue 
is that NPM does not pack sub-dependencies of bundled dependencies into 
resultant archive. This only affects flatten dependency trees, but we already 
switched to that in platform repos.

As an example, we have 'elementtree' dependency in cordova-windows, which 
depends on 'sax'. After running 'npm install' these dependencies installed as a 
siblings into 'node_modules', but after running 'npm pack' (in particular - 
'coho create-archive') the resultant .tgz contains ONLY 'elementtree' but not 

Related NPM issue is https://github.com/npm/npm/issues/8474

AFAIK, the only solution for now is to revert 'node_modules' structure back to 
tree form.

Best regards, Vladimir

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