Please review and vote on this cordova-windows release 
by replying to this email (and keep discussion on the DISCUSS thread)

Release issue: 

The archive has been published to dist/dev: 

The package was published from its corresponding git tag:
    cordova-windows: 4.4.2 (f8479e5daf)

Note that you can test it out via:

    cordova platform add 

Upon a successful vote I will upload the archive to dist/, publish it to npm, 
and post the blog post.

Voting guidelines: 

I vote +1:
* Ran coho audit-license-headers over the relevant repos
* Ensured continuous build was green when repo was tagged
* Ensured that all tests pass
* Created, built and ran mobilespec app
* Tested create and update scenarios via platform scripts and cordova-cli

Best regards, Vladimir

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