Github user juliascript commented on a diff in the pull request:
    --- Diff: cordova-lib/spec-cordova/platform.spec.js ---
    @@ -33,326 +33,453 @@ var helpers = require('./helpers'),
     var projectRoot = 'C:\\Projects\\cordova-projects\\move-tracker';
     var pluginsDir = path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'plugins');
    -describe('platform end-to-end', function () {
    -    var tmpDir = helpers.tmpDir('platform_test');
    -    var project = path.join(tmpDir, 'project');
    +// describe('platform end-to-end', function () {
    +//     var tmpDir = helpers.tmpDir('platform_test');
    +//     var project = path.join(tmpDir, 'project');
    +//     var results;
    +//     beforeEach(function() {
    +//         shell.rm('-rf', tmpDir);
    +//         // cp then mv because we need to copy everything, but that 
means it'll copy the whole directory.
    +//         // Using /* doesn't work because of hidden files.
    +//         shell.cp('-R', path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 'base'), 
    +//, 'base'), project);
    +//         process.chdir(project);
    +//         // Now we load the config.json in the newly created project and 
edit the target platform's lib entry
    +//         // to point at the fixture version. This is necessary so that 
cordova.prepare can find cordova.js there.
    +//         var c =;
    +//         c.lib[helpers.testPlatform].url = path.join(__dirname, 
'fixtures', 'platforms', helpers.testPlatform + '-lib');
    +//         config.write(project, c);
    +//         // The config.json in the fixture project points at fake 
"local" paths.
    +//         // Since it's not a URL, the lazy-loader will just return the 
junk path.
    +//         spyOn(superspawn, 'spawn').andCallFake(function(cmd, args) {
    +//             if (cmd.match(/create\b/)) {
    +//                 // This is a call to the bin/create script, so do the 
copy ourselves.
    +//                 shell.cp('-R', path.join(__dirname, 'fixtures', 
'platforms', 'android'), path.join(project, 'platforms'));
    +//             } else if(cmd.match(/version\b/)) {
    +//                 return Q('3.3.0');
    +//             } else if(cmd.match(/update\b/)) {
    +//                 fs.writeFileSync(path.join(project, 'platforms', 
helpers.testPlatform, 'updated'), 'I was updated!', 'utf-8');
    +//             }
    +//             return Q();
    +//         });
    +//         events.on('results', function(res) { results = res; });
    +//     });
    +//     afterEach(function() {
    +//         process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, '..'));  // Needed to rm the 
dir on Windows.
    +//         shell.rm('-rf', tmpDir);
    +//     });
    +//     // Factoring out some repeated checks.
    +//     function emptyPlatformList() {
    +//         return cordova.raw.platform('list').then(function() {
    +//             var installed = results.match(/Installed platforms:\n  
    +//             expect(installed).toBeDefined();
    +//             expect(installed[1].indexOf(helpers.testPlatform)).toBe(-1);
    +//         });
    +//     }
    +//     function fullPlatformList() {
    +//         return cordova.raw.platform('list').then(function() {
    +//             var installed = results.match(/Installed platforms:\n  
    +//             expect(installed).toBeDefined();
    +//         });
    +//     }
    +//     // The flows we want to test are add, rm, list, and upgrade.
    +//     // They should run the appropriate hooks.
    +//     // They should fail when not inside a Cordova project.
    +//     // These tests deliberately have no beforeEach and afterEach that 
are cleaning things up.
    +//     it('should successfully run', function(done) {
    +//         // Check there are no platforms yet.
    +//         emptyPlatformList().then(function() {
    +//             // Add the testing platform.
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('add', [helpers.testPlatform]);
    +//         }).then(function() {
    +//             // Check the platform add was successful.
    +//             expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', 
    +//             expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', 
helpers.testPlatform, 'cordova')).toExist();
    +//         }).then(fullPlatformList) // Check for it in platform ls.
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             // Try to update the platform.
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('update', 
    +//         }).then(function() {
    +//             // Our fake update script in the exec mock above creates 
this dummy file.
    +//             expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', 
helpers.testPlatform, 'updated')).toExist();
    +//         }).then(fullPlatformList) // Platform should still be in 
platform ls.
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             // And now remove it.
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('rm', [helpers.testPlatform]);
    +//         }).then(function() {
    +//             // It should be gone.
    +//             expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', 
    +//         }).then(emptyPlatformList) // platform ls should be empty too.
    +//         .fail(function(err) {
    +//             expect(err).toBeUndefined();
    +//         }).fin(done);
    +//     });
    +//     it('should install plugins correctly while adding platform', 
function(done) {
    +//         cordova.raw.plugin('add', path.join(pluginsDir, 'test'))
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('add', [helpers.testPlatform]);
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             // Check the platform add was successful.
    +//             expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', 
    +//             // Check that plugin files exists in www dir
    +//             expect(path.join(project, 'platforms', 
helpers.testPlatform, 'assets/www/test.js')).toExist();
    +//         })
    +//         .fail(function(err) {
    +//             expect(err).toBeUndefined();
    +//         })
    +//         .fin(done);
    +//     });
    +//     it('should call prepare after plugins were installed into 
platform', function(done) {
    +//         var order = '';
    +//         var fail = jasmine.createSpy(fail);
    +//         spyOn(plugman.raw, 'install').andCallFake(function() { order += 
'I'; });
    +//         spyOn(cordova.raw, 'prepare').andCallFake(function() { order += 
'P'; });
    +//         cordova.raw.plugin('add', path.join(pluginsDir, 'test'))
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('add', [helpers.testPlatform]);
    +//         })
    +//         .fail(fail)
    +//         .fin(function() {
    +//             expect(order).toBe('IP'); // Install first, then prepare
    +//             expect(fail).not.toHaveBeenCalled();
    +//             done();
    +//         });
    +//     });
    +// });
    +// describe('add function', function () {
    +//     var opts;
    +//     var hooksRunnerMock;
    +//     beforeEach(function(){
    +//         opts = {};
    +//         hooksRunnerMock = {
    +//             fire: function () {
    +//                 return Q();
    +//             }
    +//         };
    +//     });
    +//     it('throws if the target list is empty', function (done) {
    +//         var targets = [];
    +//         platform.add(hooksRunnerMock, projectRoot, targets, 
opts).fail(function (error) {
    +//             expect(error.message).toBe('No platform specified. Please 
specify a platform to add. See `cordova platform list`.');
    +//             done();
    +//         });
    +//     });
    +//     it('throws if the target list is undefined or null', function 
(done) {
    +//         // case 1 : target list undefined
    +//         var targets; // = undefined;
    +//         platform.add(hooksRunnerMock, projectRoot, targets, 
opts).fail(function (error) {
    +//             expect(error.message).toBe('No platform specified. Please 
specify a platform to add. See `cordova platform list`.');
    +//         });
    +//         // case 2 : target list null
    +//         targets = null;
    +//         platform.add(hooksRunnerMock, projectRoot, targets, 
opts).fail(function (error) {
    +//             expect(error.message).toBe('No platform specified. Please 
specify a platform to add. See `cordova platform list`.');
    +//             done();
    +//         });
    +//     });
    +// });
    +// describe('platform add plugin rm end-to-end', function () {
    +//     var tmpDir = helpers.tmpDir('plugin_rm_test');
    +//     var project = path.join(tmpDir, 'hello');
    +//     var pluginsDir = path.join(project, 'plugins');
    +//     beforeEach(function() {
    +//         process.chdir(tmpDir);
    +//     });
    +//     afterEach(function() {
    +//         process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, '..'));  // Needed to rm the 
dir on Windows.
    +//         shell.rm('-rf', tmpDir);
    +//     });
    +//     it('should remove dependency when removing parent plugin', 
function(done) {
    +//         cordova.raw.create('hello')
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             process.chdir(project);
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('add', 'ios@latest');
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             return cordova.raw.plugin('add', 'cordova-plugin-media');
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('add', 'android@latest');
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             return cordova.raw.plugin('rm', 'cordova-plugin-media');
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//         })
    +//         .fail(function(err) {
    +//             console.error(err);
    +//             expect(err).toBeUndefined();
    +//         })
    +//         .fin(done);
    +//     }, 20000);
    +// });
    +// describe('platform add and remove --fetch', function () {
    +//     var tmpDir = helpers.tmpDir('plat_add_remove_fetch_test');
    +//     var project = path.join(tmpDir, 'helloFetch');
    +//     var platformsDir = path.join(project, 'platforms');
    +//     var nodeModulesDir = path.join(project, 'node_modules');
    +//     beforeEach(function() {
    +//         process.chdir(tmpDir);
    +//     });
    +//     afterEach(function() {
    +//         process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, '..'));  // Needed to rm the 
dir on Windows.
    +//         shell.rm('-rf', tmpDir);
    +//     });
    +//     it('should add and remove platform from node_modules directory', 
function(done) {
    +//         cordova.raw.create('helloFetch')
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             process.chdir(project);
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('add', 'ios', {'fetch':true});
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             expect(path.join(nodeModulesDir, 'cordova-ios')).toExist();
    +//             expect(path.join(platformsDir, 'ios')).toExist();
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('add', 'android', 
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             expect(path.join(nodeModulesDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(platformsDir, 'android')).toExist();
    +//             //Tests finish before this command finishes resolving
    +//             //return cordova.raw.platform('rm', 'ios', {'fetch':true});
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             //expect(path.join(nodeModulesDir, 
    +//             //expect(path.join(platformsDir, 'ios')).not.toExist();
    +//             //Tests finish before this command finishes resolving
    +//             //return cordova.raw.platform('rm', 'android', 
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             //expect(path.join(nodeModulesDir, 
    +//             //expect(path.join(platformsDir, 'android')).not.toExist();
    +//         })
    +//         .fail(function(err) {
    +//             console.error(err);
    +//             expect(err).toBeUndefined();
    +//         })
    +//         .fin(done);
    +//     }, 40000);
    +// });
    +// describe('plugin add and rm end-to-end --fetch', function () {
    +//     var tmpDir = helpers.tmpDir('plugin_rm_fetch_test');
    +//     var project = path.join(tmpDir, 'hello3');
    +//     var pluginsDir = path.join(project, 'plugins');
    +//     beforeEach(function() {
    +//         process.chdir(tmpDir);
    +//     });
    +//     afterEach(function() {
    +//         process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, '..'));  // Needed to rm the 
dir on Windows.
    +//         shell.rm('-rf', tmpDir);
    +//     });
    +//     it('should remove dependency when removing parent plugin', 
function(done) {
    +//         cordova.raw.create('hello3')
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             process.chdir(project);
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('add', 'ios', {'fetch': true});
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             return cordova.raw.plugin('add', 'cordova-plugin-media', 
{'fetch': true});
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(project, 'node_modules', 
    +//             expect(path.join(project, 'node_modules', 
    +//             expect(path.join(project, 'node_modules', 
    +//             return cordova.raw.platform('add', 'android', 
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             return cordova.raw.plugin('rm', 'cordova-plugin-media', 
    +//         })
    +//         .then(function() {
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             expect(path.join(pluginsDir, 
    +//             //These don't work yet due to the tests finishing before 
the promise resolves.
    +//             //expect(path.join(project, 'node_modules', 
    +//             //expect(path.join(project, 'node_modules', 
    +//             //expect(path.join(project, 'node_modules', 
    +//         })
    +//         .fail(function(err) {
    +//             console.error(err);
    +//             expect(err).toBeUndefined();
    +//         })
    +//         .fin(done);
    +//     }, 60000);
    +// });
    --- End diff --
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