Yeah, my bad.

Fixed it now.


From: Darryl Pogue <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 9:26:11 PM
Subject: Re: Access to Jenkins instance, questions about CI

Hi Alexander,

It seems that public read permissions have broken for the Jenkins instance.
I think previously it was possible to see the list of jobs and job output
without logging in, but now I'm prompted immediately to auth with GitHub.
After doing that, I get an error message "dpogue is missing the
Overall/Read permission".

This means the failing builds that are linked in GitHub PR comments aren't
able to be viewed by the authors of those PRs.


On 6 December 2016 at 02:09, Alexander Sorokin (Akvelon) <> wrote:

> Hey Filip.
> I've granted you the permissions you need for the cloudapp Jenkins. You'll
> just need to log in with your "filmaj" Github account.
> Use your new powers well, because while trying to give them to you I've
> almost messed up all the permissions settings on the CI :)
> Regarding your findings:
> Your [1] link points to *-test job, these jobs are only meant to test
> things like new paramedic code before it gets into master and generally
> live for a couple of days, then get deleted (if I don't forget to do so).
> This particular one is meant to test my upcoming fix for paramedic to
> properly handle the app uninstall timeout and the phantom failures we now
> get for windows phone 8.1 builds.
> Your [2] link seems like a "cordova-coho npm-link" issue which needs to be
> investigated. It doesn't look like it's breaking things so it's not a high
> priority (for me) right now.
> [3]: When a node goes offline, "CI Sentinels" ™ get a notification via
> email, right now that would be me, Vladimir Kotikov and Sergey
> Shakhnazarov. If you'd like to be included to the caste, just let me know -
> but since the slave machines are inside Microsoft infrastructure it is only
> us who have the access to both of them and it is only us who can bring the
> slave back online if something bad happens.
> Thanks,
> Alexander Sorokin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Filip Maj []
> Sent: Tuesday, December 6, 2016 1:32 AM
> To:
> Subject: Access to Jenkins instance, questions about CI
> Dearest Cordova devs,
> I would like to get admin-level access to the cloudapp jenkins
> instance:
> 7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%7C636165739303098482&sdata=
> pdUokGPtsLwPvq6SynMtUlRt5iTOn2yY8S0SlA%2FCKio%3D&reserved=0
> Who can grant me this karma?
> I wanted to check out how the various jobs are configured, what triggers
> them and what the triggered code looks like.
> I also wanted to fix some things I've noticed:
>  - File Transfer tests relying on Alex Sorokin's fork of paramedic, which
> now seems to be gone, and thus fails the job [1]
>  - I noticed some popd/pushd errors in the periodic builds for specific
> plugins, as well as npm error output [2]. Seems to be related to a missing
> cordova-create directory or something.
> Had some followup questions too!
>  - When a worker node goes down or becomes inaccessible, that may fail a
> build. (see e.g. the Mac node graphs [3]). When this happens, do we get
> alerted? And how would do we fix it?
>  - In the Periodic Builds section [4], what is the difference between the
> "build" [5] and the "test" [6] jobs? The test jobs seem to only care about
> network information and file transfer plugins, but other than that, I'm
> wondering what the vision here is?
> [1]
> 2FPeriodic%2520builds%2Fjob%2Fcordova-periodic-test%
> 2FPLATFORM%3Dandroid-4.4%2CPLUGIN%3Dcordova-plugin-file-transfer%2F2%
> 2FconsoleText&
> 7C9ab9ec2d342a40ee3aee08d41d5e8c4d%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011
> db47%7C1%7C0%7C636165739303098482&sdata=XQq%2F4FDHoCdK51iqBNoQPlgbB%
> 2BFtLHA67yiKOtDS9ZU%3D&reserved=0
> [2]
> 2FPeriodic%2520builds%2Fjob%2Fcordova-periodic-build%
> 2FPLATFORM%3Dandroid-4.4%2CPLUGIN%3Dcordova-plugin-
> device-motion%2F247%2Fconsole&
> 7C9ab9ec2d342a40ee3aee08d41d5e8c4d%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011
> db47%7C1%7C0%7C636165739303098482&sdata=lXshEVOrBmnM4TXvlZIuOke4OcgjKO
> jx8NAiw3ASZy4%3D&reserved=0
> [3]
> statistics%3Ftype%3Dhour&
> 7C9ab9ec2d342a40ee3aee08d41d5e8c4d%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011
> db47%7C1%7C0%7C636165739303098482&sdata=mHO4enOyIscFocBf9mlZLSwuGGmfsN
> aoKETtdbR%2F0og%3D&reserved=0
> [4]
> 2FPeriodic%2520builds%2F&
> 7C9ab9ec2d342a40ee3aee08d41d5e8c4d%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011
> db47%7C1%7C0%7C636165739303098482&sdata=QuFwqRkFV2mhb1PS3q5iKL90%
> 2F2WGnbRtA0POejl3P6I%3D&reserved=0
> [5]
> 2FPeriodic%2520builds%2Fjob%2Fcordova-periodic-build%2F&
> 8c4d%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%
> 7C636165739303098482&sdata=zD3VA0rRay0EYKLfOHDUAhc0zYo1P%
> 2BaKoV9z6bvTazQ%3D&reserved=0
> [6]
> 2FPeriodic%2520builds%2Fjob%2Fcordova-periodic-test%2F&
> 8c4d%7C72f988bf86f141af91ab2d7cd011db47%7C1%7C0%
> 7C636165739303098482&sdata=gSJoL2XXA8Py6Ok2dfzukqsnpH65Pd
> j3qlahlhaYmNs%3D&reserved=0
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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