CVE-2017-3160: Gradle Distribution URL used by Cordova-Android does not use
https by default

Severity: High

Vendor: The Apache Software Foundation

Versions Affected: Cordova Android (6.1.1 and below)

Description: After the Android platform is added to Cordova the first time,
or after a project is created using the build scripts, the scripts will
fetch Gradle on the first build. However, since the default URI is not
using https, it is vulnerable to a MiTM and the Gradle executable is not
safe. The severity of this issue is high due to the fact that the build
scripts immediately start a build after Gradle has been fetched.

Upgrade path: Developers who are concerned about this issue should install
version 6.1.2 or higher of Cordova-Android.

Mitigation Steps: If developers are unable to install the latest version,
this vulnerability can easily be mitigated by setting the

Credit: Alon Galili

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