There are some things I definitely disagree with in your list of responses. I do think the enterprise setup is enough of a reason to not add any kind of deprecation notice as I originally proposed. So I concede on the idea of deprecating this usage of the feature.

I however do still think, a note on this should be documented in the config.xml docs as I think many users are not building enterprise apps, but still use remote urls for production apps.

#1 is definitely TOS breaking. Code from a remote source must not be a requirement for the app, read: "Apps may contain or run code that is not embedded in the binary (e.g. HTML5-based games, bots, etc.), as long as code distribution isn’t the main purpose of the app"

Code that isn't bundled with the app can only use capabilities available in the standard webkit view. Read "(2) only uses capabilities available in a standard WebKit view (e.g. it must open and run natively in Safari without modifications or additional software)". Google Play also has similar text in their policies.

I also fail to understand how a developer can use a remote html page for their app index page and still avoid a blank page due to the device not having a data connection.

So for these reasons, I think it still should be documented as bad practice for production apps at the very least. Of course, it can made clear that this note only applies to apps intended to be distributed to the app stores.

On 2019-10-22 1:24 p.m., Jesse wrote:
Also, please keep in mind that there are other ways to distribute apps.
A company/developer with an enterprise license can build apps for
company/employee use and distribute them as they see fit.

On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 9:20 AM Jesse <> wrote:

This is a crucial feature for development tools, and a valid production
use case.

1. This is NOT breaking TOS with Apple, unless the developer decides to
significantly change their app, which is bad practice anyway.
2. Care should be taken in what you deliver to your app, this is not
cordova's concern.
3. Apps should provide 'some' offline experience, and not show a 404 of
course, but that is up to the developer.
4. Yes, developers should be aware of this.
5. This is not 'repacking a website' you are missing the point, this is:
'making a purpose built web-app that you can make minor tweaks to without
having to submit to app stores repeatedly, and to do some heavy lifting on
the server.'  Some notable apps that are examples of this: Amazon, Walmart,
Apple Music, Apple App Store, ...

On Tue, Oct 22, 2019 at 9:05 AM julio cesar sanchez <> wrote:

The content tag is also used for pointing to local development servers and
benefit from live reloading, so how do you plan to deprecate it only for
remote urls?

El mar., 22 oct. 2019 a las 17:46, Norman Breau (<

This is an extension of the issue I raised for adding warnings to the
documentation which can be found at

In my opinion there are several reasons why using a remote url (such as to host a cordova app is bad practice.

1. If your app uses native APIs, you're breaking the terms of service of
the Apple and Google Play app stores. See Section 2.5.2 Software
Requirements of apples guidelines.[1]

2. Extending onto #1, it makes the app must more easier to become
vulnerable to exploits, because any other
third party code loaded onto the website may have access to the cordova

3. Apple & Google expects your app to be able to launch and "work"
without a data connection. If your index file is
remote, then your app cannot load to provide the user proper feedback
that they require an internet connection. (See section 2.1 App
Completeness & 4.2 Minimum Functionality apple guidelines)[1].

4. Using a remote URL generally causes a lot of CORs related issues when
using non-standard protocols such as cdvfile:// (see

5. Even if your app does not use native APIs, and it's just repackaging
a website, this goes against section 4.2 on apples policy[1].

I don't exactly know how popular using <content src="remoteurl" /> is,
but I do see it frequent enough on reported issues. This is kind of

So given the reasons I listed above, I think allowing remote sources in
the <content> tag should be deprecated, and eventually removed in the
future, of course allowing time for developers to refactor their app to
bundle their code within the app.


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