Hi Binay,

This list is for development of Apache Cordova itself.  For issues using
Apache Cordova in your app, your best bet is either via our slack channel
or stack overflow [2]
That said, it sounds like Ionic support might be a better option for your


[1] https://slack-cordova-io.herokuapp.com/
[2] https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/cordova

On Tue, Mar 31, 2020 at 5:40 PM Binay Prabhakar <akkivin...@live.com> wrote:

> Hi Corodova Team,
> Six month back when I started working on Ionic App I was Very excited
> about it.
> But things are not smooth since few weeks.
> When I uploaded my app to test flight there were UI Web View depreciated
> warning came to me.
> To solve it i have migrated the app to Ionic 5 with a hope that this issue
> will be solved.
> But sad part is that still Apple gave the same warning of Ui depreciation.
> Can you please help me on this!
> Tried everything..Even created sample ionic project in ionic 5 and tried
> to build it but in ios code what I can see is there are references of
> UiwebView.
> Any proper blog will be helpful if you can suggest.
> Get Outlook for Android<https://aka.ms/ghei36>

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