I guess Erisu sorted this out in https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/pull/266

There are a couple of reasons for the fail we think, mostly because pandemic tests only tests against the master. So in this case, it was using cordova-ios 6, which expects Xcode 11, and drops support for iOS less than 11. Splashscreen tests were configured to use iPhone 5, which can only go up to iOS 10.

So the travis was failing basically because cordova-ios@6 stuff was merged into master. A formal +1 vote is incoming.

On 2020-06-04 3:03 a.m., Niklas Merz wrote:
I must say I don't really understand that failure, too. I think it's something 
strange in the CI/Travis. (Hopefully this will be on Github Actions, too 
sometime). CI uses Xcode 10.3 which is not supported by our latests cordova-ios 

I think we should not rely on the CI tests for this quick release, and fix them 
for the new major version that follows very soon.

The tests work fine locally after changeing the simulator to one I have installed. The 
line that failed looks different with "x86_64"

Ld /tmp/CDVSplashScreenLibTests.xctest/CDVSplashScreenLibTests normal x86_64 
(in target 'CDVSplashScreenLibTests' from project 'CDVSplashScreenTest')
CI seems to run in 32 bit which produces this error:
  >warning: ignoring file /tmp/libCordova.a, file was built for archive which 
is not the architecture being linked (i386): /tmp/libCordova.a

June 4, 2020 2:18 AM, "Norman Breau" <nor...@normanbreau.com> wrote:

We probably should resolve the travis issue, just to be sure it isn't hiding 
some other error.

ld: warning: ignoring file /tmp/libCordova.a, file was built for archive which 
is not the
architecture being linked (i386): /tmp/libCordova.a
658Undefined symbols for architecture i386:
659"_OBJC_CLASS_$_CDVPlugin", referenced from:
660_OBJC_CLASS_$_CDVSplashScreen in libCDVSplashScreenLib.a(CDVSplashScreen.o)
661"_CDVPageDidLoadNotification", referenced from:
662-[CDVSplashScreen pluginInitialize] in 
663"_OBJC_METACLASS_$_CDVPlugin", referenced from:
664_OBJC_METACLASS_$_CDVSplashScreen in 
665ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture i386
666clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see 

Unfortunately I'm not very well knowledgeable on iOS development, but it does 
seem some kind of
configuration issue.

On 2020-06-03 2:28 p.m., Niklas Merz wrote:

Seems like we are good to go for this plugin. I will start the release now!

Am 02.06.20 um 20:39 schrieb Niklas Merz:
Hi all,

Since cordova-ios 6.0, which includes a splashscreen implementation, was 
released recently, we
should release a patch version of the splashscreen plugin which sets the 
version requirements
correctly [1].

Does anyone have any reason to delay this patch release?
Any outstanding patches to land?

If not, I will start the release tomorrow.

After this patch release we will introduce some some breaking changes including 
the removal of iOS
code in a major release after that. The PRs are already open.

[1] https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-splashscreen/pull/261

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