Hello list,

Currently, it's necessary to have intimate-ish knowledge of the inner workings 
of a view when calling it, e.g.:


If the group level was different, the results returned by the view might be 

Other good examples are "include_docs", "inclusive_end" or "descending". For 
instance, views that pull in foreign documents by emitting {_id: ...} as a 
value will only produce useful results when called with "include_docs" set to 

I'd suggest a feature where inside a view definition, a new key 
"query_defaults" alongside "map" or "reduce" contains a hash map of query 
option keys and values that will be used when calling the view unless one of 
the pre-defined options is passed as a query argument, in which case the 
explicitly given query argument would take precedence.


"views": {
    "talks-by-room": {
        "map": "function(doc) {\n\tif(doc.type == 'talk' && doc.date_start) 
{\n\t\temit([doc.room, doc.date_start, 0], doc.name);\n\t\tif(doc.speaker) 
{\n\t\t\temit([doc.room, doc.date_start, 1], {_id: 
        "query_defaults": {
            "include_docs": true

http://localhost:5984/couchcamp/_design/burp/_view/talks-by-room would be run 
with include_docs=true, but the doc inclusion could be suppressed by requesting 

Alternative names for the new key are "query_options" or 
"query_option_defaults". Whilst I prefer "query_options", I think 
"query_defaults" will be the better choice as it underlines the nature of the 
functionality - namely, that the options defined therein may be overridden by 
the caller.

I'd attempt a patch, but I probably lack the necessary Erlang-fu. Jan 
encouraged me to propose the feature here anyway :)

Have a nice week,


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