Hi all,

While testing the _replicator db I encounter an error when trying to
create the target db . Before opening a ticket I wanted to make sure
this wasn't expected or if it"s an error.

The error:

    $ curl -XPUT -H"Content-Type: application/json" localhost:5984/a
    $ curl -XPUT -d'{}' localhost:5984/a/doca
     curl -XPUT -d'{}' localhost:5984/a/docb
    $ curl -XPOST -d'{
         "source": "a",
         "target": "b",
         "create_target": true
     }' -H"Content-Type: application/json" localhost:5984/_replicator
    enki:~ benoitc$ curl -XGET
    enki:~ benoitc$


                         <<"unauthorized to access database b">>}.
Retrying in 10 seconds
    [error] [<0.867.0>] {error_report,<0.30.0>,

Let me know.

- benoƮt

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