On Aug 15, 2011, at 7:36 PM, Noah Slater wrote:

> On 15 Aug 2011, at 18:32, Jan Lehnardt wrote:
>> 1. Write admin = password to local.ini
>> 2. Restart CouchDB
>> 3. Hash gets persisted to generated.ini
>> 4. Plain text password remains in local.ini
> Which one of these steps is the problem? 4? What would you have happen in 
> place of that? That the plain text password be removed? Could we not simply 
> leave that up to the admin to remove it from the config? What if it is needed 
> again at some point? If I put my plain text password in a config file that I 
> had edited by hand on a server, I would not expect it to be removed by the 
> software. If I was concerned about saving the plain text password in the 
> first place, I would hope that the software in question would come with an 
> interactive prompt that would ask me for my password and write the hash out 
> to the file for me.

I would expect that a plaintext admin password would never survive a server 

If you want to change the admin-addition procedure to a startup prompt thing, 
I'd be happy to consider this, but currently we are stuck between a rock and a 
hard place because all the documentation out there suggests adding an admin to 
local.ini will do the trick, yet distributions that add config files to 
local.d/ will keep plaintext passwords around, contrary to what is documented. 
I consider this a bad user experience as well as a security issue.

I was supporting that local.ini should come after local.d/*.ini, but dev@ 
overturned me here and came up with generated.ini, which I'd be fine with, 
except, it doesn't solve the original problem.


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