"you might want to revisit the release process"

You mean "we" here. :)


On 29 February 2012 16:23, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Bob,
> thanks for your reply. I think this is a bit of a convoluted situation now 
> and I want to apologise for anything that might have upset you or anyone 
> here. I didn't mean to be insulting or anything.
> I think the 1.2.0 release is very important for this community and the 
> project, so I am very interested in getting it out. I'm not interested in 
> getting it out at all costs but I do want to clarify what's needed to do the 
> release.
> In the process, your -1 turned out to trigger a hold on the 1.2.0 release, 
> even though you write you didn't intend that. Also in the process I confused 
> your -1 to ask for the hold and as a result I got annoyed that you didn't 
> provide more information. I also asked for clarification on the other issues 
> you raised (e.g. running the test suite in Firefox/across multiple browsers) 
> and you haven't responded to yet (I understand time constraints, but I'd have 
> appreciated a "gonna work on it" sort of quick response).
> I'm sorry I got annoyed and let it out on you.
> All I want is to understand what it takes to release 1.2.0 and we need all 
> your (and everybody's) support to get there. So thanks for any contributions 
> to this discussion.
> Cheers
> Jan
> --
> On Feb 29, 2012, at 16:27 , Bob Dionne wrote:
>> Jan,
>> Sorry it took me a while to respond to this. As I said the db I was testing 
>> with is about ~200K docs, with one large ddoc, about 10 views. It takes a 
>> considerable long time to index, both on 1.1.x and 1.2.x but on 1.2.x it had 
>> not made the same amount of progress after 45 minutes on 1.2.x as did the 
>> 1.1.x run after 20 minutes, so I assumed that something has slowed, 40% 
>> maybe, that's likely a number I pulled out of my hat from the chat and 
>> reports of others.
>> I understand this is hand-wavy, which is why I was reluctant to jump to 
>> conclusions. Please note that I did not state we should stop this release, 
>> nor did I state that any of the issues I enumerated were showstoppers. I 
>> stated, with a -1 vote that the overall experience led me to conclude the 
>> release was not sound. It's one vote and I always am happy to go with the 
>> majority.
>> I thought we were off to a good start on Sunday when I was digging in here. 
>> Yes it's off topic as you and Noah agreed, but once you've pushed this out 
>> you might want to revisit the release process. This slow_couchdb is 
>> definitely a good smoke test, I like it, but beyond that it's sort of an 
>> instance of "You're doing it all wrong" when it comes to performance. I'll 
>> be happy to elaborate on this when we get to that.
>> Best Regards,
>> Bob
>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 8:15 AM, Jan Lehnardt wrote:
>>> On Feb 27, 2012, at 12:58 , Bob Dionne wrote:
>>>> Thanks for the clarification. I hope I'm not conflating things by 
>>>> continuing the discussion here, I thought that's what you requested?
>>> The discussion we had on IRC was regarding collecting more data items for 
>>> the performance regression before we start to draw conclusions.
>>> My intention here is to understand what needs doing before we can release 
>>> 1.2.0.
>>> I'll reply inline for the other issues.
>>>> I just downloaded the release candidate again to start fresh. "make 
>>>> distcheck" hangs on this step:
>>>> /Users/bitdiddle/Downloads/apache-couchdb-1.2.0/apache-couchdb-1.2.0/_build/../test/etap/150-invalid-view-seq.t
>>>>  ......... 6/?
>>>> Just stops completely. This is on R15B which has been rebuilt to use the 
>>>> recommended older SSL version. I haven't looked into this crashing too 
>>>> closely but I'm suspicious that I only see it with couchdb and never with 
>>>> bigcouch and never using the 1.2.x branch from source or any branch for 
>>>> that matter
>>> From the release you should run `make check`, not make distcheck. But I 
>>> assume you see a hang there too, as I have and others (yet not everybody), 
>>> too. I can't comment on BigCouch and what is different there. It is 
>>> interesting that 1.2.x won't hang. For me, `make check` in 1.2.x on R15B 
>>> hangs sometimes, in different places. I'm currently trying to gather more 
>>> information about this.
>>> The question here is whether `make check` passing in R15B is a release 
>>> requirement. In my vote I considered no, but I am happy to go with a 
>>> community decision if it emerges. What is your take here?
>>> In addition, this just shouldn't be a question, so we should investigate 
>>> why this happens at all and address the issue, hence COUCHDB-1424. Any 
>>> insight here would be appreciated as well.
>>>> In the command line tests, 2,7, 27, and 32 fail. but it differs from run 
>>>> to run.
>>> I assume you mean the JS tests. Again, this isn't supposed to work in 
>>> 1.2.x. I'm happy to backport my changes from master to 1.2.x to make that 
>>> work, but I refrained from that because I didn't want to bring too much 
>>> change to a release branch. I'm happy to reconsider, but I don't think a 
>>> release vote is a good place to discuss feature backports.
>>>> On Chrome attachment_ranges fails and it hangs on replicator_db
>>> This one is an "explaining away", but I think it is warranted. Chrome is 
>>> broken for attachment_ranges. I don't know if we reported this upstream 
>>> (Robert N?), but this isn't a release blocker. For the replicator_db test, 
>>> can you try running that in other browsers. I understand it is not the best 
>>> of situation (hence the move to the cli test suite for master), but if you 
>>> get this test to pass in at least one other browsers, this isn't a problem 
>>> that holds 1.2.x.
>>>> With respect to performance I think comparisons with 1.1.x are important. 
>>>> I think almost any use case, contrived or otherwise should not be 
>>>> dismissed as a pathological or edge case. Bob's script is as simple as it 
>>>> gets and to me is a great smoke test. We need to figure out the reason 1.2 
>>>> is clearly slower in this case. If there are specific scenarios that 1.2.x 
>>>> is optimized for then we should document that and provide reasons for the 
>>>> trade-offs
>>> I want to make absolutely clear that I take any report of performance 
>>> regression very seriously. But I'm rather annoyed that no information about 
>>> this ends up on dev@. I understand that on IRC there's some shared 
>>> understanding of a few scenarios where performance regressions can be 
>>> shown. I asked three times now that these be posted to this mailing list. 
>>> I'm not asking for a comprehensive report, but anything really. I found 
>>> Robert Newson's simple test script on IRC and ran that to test a suspicion 
>>> of mine which I posted in an earlier mail (tiny docs -> slower, bigger docs 
>>> -> faster). Nobody else bothered to post this here. I see no discussion 
>>> about what is observed, what is expected, what would be acceptable for a 
>>> release of 1.2.0 as is and what not.
>>> As far as this list is concerned, we know that a few people claimed that 
>>> things are slower and it's very real and that we should hold the 1.2.0 
>>> release for it. I'm more than happy to hold the release until we figured 
>>> out the things I asked for above and help out figuring it all out. But we 
>>> need something to work with here.
>>> I also understand that this is a voluntary project and people don't have 
>>> infinite time to spend, but at least a message of "we're collecting things, 
>>> will report when done", would be *great* to start. So far we only have a 
>>> "hold the horses, there might be a something going on".
>>> Please let me know if this request is unreasonable or whether I am 
>>> overreacting.
>>> Sorry for the rant.
>>> To anyone who has been looking into performance regression, can you please 
>>> send to this list any info you have? If you have a comprehensive analysis, 
>>> awesome, if you just ran some script on a machine, just send us that, let's 
>>> collect all the data to get this situation solved! We need your help.
>>> tl;dr:
>>> There's three issues at hand:
>>> - Robert D -1'd a release artefact. We want to understand what needs to 
>>> happen to make a release. This includes assessing the issues he raises and 
>>> squaring them against the release vote.
>>> - There's a vague (as far as dev@ is concerned) report about a performance 
>>> regression. We need to get behind that.
>>> - There's been a non-dev@ discussion about the performance regression and 
>>> that is referenced to influence a dev@ decision. We need that discussion's 
>>> information on dev@ to proceed.
>>> And to make it absolutely clear again. The performance regression *is* an 
>>> issue and I am very grateful for the people, including Robert Newson, 
>>> Robert Dionne and Jason Smith, who look into it. It's just that we need to 
>>> treat this as an issue and get all this info onto dev@ or into JRIA.
>>> Cheers
>>> Jan
>>> --
>>>> Cheers,
>>>> Bob
>>>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 4:07 PM, Jan Lehnardt wrote:
>>>>> Bob,
>>>>> thanks for your reply
>>>>> I wasn't implying we should try to explain anything away. All of these 
>>>>> are valid concerns, I just wanted to get a better understanding on where 
>>>>> the bit flips from +0 to -1 and subsequently, how to address that 
>>>>> boundary.
>>>>> Ideally we can just fix all of the things you mention, but I think it is 
>>>>> important to understand them in detail, that's why I was going into them. 
>>>>> Ultimately, I want to understand what we need to do to ship 1.2.0.
>>>>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 21:22 , Bob Dionne wrote:
>>>>>> Jan,
>>>>>> I'm -1 based on all of my evaluation. I've spent a few hours on this 
>>>>>> release now yesterday and today. It doesn't really pass what I would 
>>>>>> call the "smoke test". Almost everything I've run into has an 
>>>>>> explanation:
>>>>>> 1. crashes out of the box - that's R15B, you need to recompile SSL and 
>>>>>> Erlang (we'll note on release notes)
>>>>> Have we spent any time on figuring out what the trouble here is?
>>>>>> 2. etaps hang running make check. Known issue. Our etap code is out of 
>>>>>> date, recent versions of etap don't even run their own unit tests
>>>>> I have seen the etap hang as well, and I wasn't diligent enough to report 
>>>>> it in JIRA, I have done so now (COUCHDB-1424).
>>>>>> 3. Futon tests fail. Some are known bugs (attachment ranges in Chrome) . 
>>>>>> Both Chrome and Safari also hang
>>>>> Do you have more details on where Chrome and Safari hang? Can you try 
>>>>> their private browsing features, double/triple check that caches are 
>>>>> empty? Can you get to a situation where you get all tests succeeding 
>>>>> across all browsers, even if individual ones fail on one or two others?
>>>>>> 4. standalone JS tests fail. Again most of these run when run by 
>>>>>> themselves
>>>>> Which ones?
>>>>>> 5. performance. I used real production data *because* Stefan on user 
>>>>>> reported performance degradation on his data set. Any numbers are 
>>>>>> meaningless for a single test. I also ran scripts that BobN and Jason 
>>>>>> Smith posted that show a difference between 1.1.x and 1.2.x
>>>>> You are conflating an IRC discussion we've had into this thread. The 
>>>>> performance regression reported is a good reason to look into other 
>>>>> scenarios where we can show slowdowns. But we need to understand what's 
>>>>> happening. Just from looking at dev@ all I see is some handwaving about 
>>>>> some reports some people have done (Not to discourage any work that has 
>>>>> been done on IRC and user@, but for the sake of a release vote thread, 
>>>>> this related information needs to be on this mailing list).
>>>>> As I said on IRC, I'm happy to get my hands dirty to understand the 
>>>>> regression at hand. But we need to know where we'd draw a line and say 
>>>>> this isn't acceptable for a 1.2.0.
>>>>>> 6. Reviewed patch pointed to by Jason that may be the cause but it's 
>>>>>> hard to say without knowing the code analysis that went into the 
>>>>>> changes. You can see obvious local optimizations that make good sense 
>>>>>> but those are often the ones that get you, without knowing the call 
>>>>>> counts.
>>>>> That is a point that wasn't included in your previous mail. It's great 
>>>>> that there is progress, thanks for looking into this!
>>>>>> Many of these issues can be explained away, but I think end users will 
>>>>>> be less forgiving. I think we already struggle with view performance. 
>>>>>> I'm interested to see how others evaluate this regression.
>>>>>> I'll try this seatoncouch tool you mention later to see if I can 
>>>>>> construct some more definitive tests.
>>>>> Again, I'm not trying to explain anything away. I want to get a shared 
>>>>> understanding of the issues you raised and where we stand on solving them 
>>>>> squared against the ongoing 1.2.0 release.
>>>>> And again: Thanks for doing this thorough review and looking into 
>>>>> performance issue. I hope with your help we can understand all these 
>>>>> things a lot better very soon :)
>>>>> Cheers
>>>>> Jan
>>>>> --
>>>>>> Best,
>>>>>> Bob
>>>>>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 2:29 PM, Jan Lehnardt wrote:
>>>>>>> On Feb 26, 2012, at 13:58 , Bob Dionne wrote:
>>>>>>>> -1
>>>>>>>> R15B on OS X Lion
>>>>>>>> I rebuilt OTP with an older SSL and that gets past all the crashes 
>>>>>>>> (thanks Filipe). I still see hangs when running make check, though any 
>>>>>>>> particular etap that hangs will run ok by itself. The Futon tests 
>>>>>>>> never run to completion in Chrome without hanging and the standalone 
>>>>>>>> JS tests also have fails.
>>>>>>> What part of this do you consider the -1? Can you try running the JS 
>>>>>>> tests in Firefox and or Safari? Can you get all tests pass at least 
>>>>>>> once across all browsers? The cli JS suite isn't supposed to work, so 
>>>>>>> that isn't a criterion. I've seen the hang in make check for R15B while 
>>>>>>> individual tests run as well, but I don't consider this blocking. While 
>>>>>>> I understand and support the notion that tests shouldn't fail, period, 
>>>>>>> we gotta work with what we have and master already has significant 
>>>>>>> improvements. What would you like to see changed to not -1 this release?
>>>>>>>> I tested the performance of view indexing, using a modest 200K doc db 
>>>>>>>> with a large complex view and there's a clear regression between 1.1.x 
>>>>>>>> and 1.2.x Others report similar results
>>>>>>> What is a large complex view? The complexity of the map/reduce 
>>>>>>> functions is rarely an indicator of performance, it's usually input doc 
>>>>>>> size and output/emit()/reduce data size. How big are the docs in your 
>>>>>>> test and how big is the returned data? I understand the changes for 
>>>>>>> 1.2.x will improve larger-data scenarios more significantly.
>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>> Jan
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>>> On Feb 23, 2012, at 5:25 PM, Bob Dionne wrote:
>>>>>>>>> sorry Noah, I'm in debug mode today so I don't care to start mucking 
>>>>>>>>> with my stack, recompiling erlang, etc...
>>>>>>>>> I did try using that build repeatedly and it crashes all the time. I 
>>>>>>>>> find it very odd and I had seen those before as I said on my older 
>>>>>>>>> macbook.
>>>>>>>>> I do see the hangs Jan describes in the etaps, they have been there 
>>>>>>>>> right along, so I'm confident this just the SSL issue. Why it only 
>>>>>>>>> happens on the build is puzzling, any source build of any branch 
>>>>>>>>> works just peachy.
>>>>>>>>> So I'd say I'm +1 based on my use of the 1.2.x branch but I'd like to 
>>>>>>>>> hear from Stefan, who reported the severe performance regression. 
>>>>>>>>> BobN seems to think we can ignore that, it's something flaky in that 
>>>>>>>>> fellow's environment. I tend to agree but I'm conservative
>>>>>>>>> On Feb 23, 2012, at 1:23 PM, Noah Slater wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Can someone convince me this bus error stuff and segfaults is not a
>>>>>>>>>> blocking issue.
>>>>>>>>>> Bob tells me that he's followed the steps above and he's still 
>>>>>>>>>> experiencing
>>>>>>>>>> the issues.
>>>>>>>>>> Bob, you did follow the steps to install your own SSL right?
>>>>>>>>>> On Thu, Feb 23, 2012 at 5:09 PM, Jan Lehnardt <j...@apache.org> 
>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> On Feb 23, 2012, at 00:28 , Noah Slater wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>>>> I would like call a vote for the Apache CouchDB 1.2.0 release, 
>>>>>>>>>>>> second
>>>>>>>>>>> round.
>>>>>>>>>>>> We encourage the whole community to download and test these
>>>>>>>>>>>> release artifacts so that any critical issues can be resolved 
>>>>>>>>>>>> before the
>>>>>>>>>>>> release is made. Everyone is free to vote on this release, so get 
>>>>>>>>>>>> stuck
>>>>>>>>>>> in!
>>>>>>>>>>>> We are voting on the following release artifacts:
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://people.apache.org/~nslater/dist/1.2.0/
>>>>>>>>>>>> These artifacts have been built from the following tree-ish in Git:
>>>>>>>>>>>> 4cd60f3d1683a3445c3248f48ae064fb573db2a1
>>>>>>>>>>>> Please follow the test procedure before voting:
>>>>>>>>>>>> http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Test_procedure
>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank you.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Happy voting,
>>>>>>>>>>> Signature and hashes check out.
>>>>>>>>>>> Mac OS X 10.7.3, 64bit, SpiderMonkey 1.8.0, Erlang R14B04: make 
>>>>>>>>>>> check
>>>>>>>>>>> works fine, browser tests in Safari work fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> Mac OS X 10.7.3, 64bit, SpiderMonkey 1.8.5, Erlang R14B04: make 
>>>>>>>>>>> check
>>>>>>>>>>> works fine, browser tests in Safari work fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> FreeBSD 9.0, 64bit, SpiderMonkey 1.7.0, Erlang R14B04: make check 
>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>> fine, browser tests in Safari work fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> CentOS 6.2, 64bit, SpiderMonkey 1.8.5, Erlang R14B04: make check 
>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>> fine, browser tests in Firefox work fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu 11.4, 64bit, SpiderMonkey 1.8.5, Erlang R14B02: make check 
>>>>>>>>>>> works
>>>>>>>>>>> fine, browser tests in Firefox work fine.
>>>>>>>>>>> Ubuntu 10.4, 32bit, SpiderMonkey 1.8.0, Erlang R13B03: make check 
>>>>>>>>>>> fails in
>>>>>>>>>>> - 076-file-compression.t: https://gist.github.com/1893373
>>>>>>>>>>> - 220-compaction-daemon.t: https://gist.github.com/1893387
>>>>>>>>>>> This on runs in a VM and is 32bit, so I don't know if there's 
>>>>>>>>>>> anything in
>>>>>>>>>>> the tests that rely on 64bittyness or the R14B03. Filipe, I think 
>>>>>>>>>>> you
>>>>>>>>>>> worked on both features, do you have an idea?
>>>>>>>>>>> I tried running it all through Erlang R15B on Mac OS X 1.7.3, but a 
>>>>>>>>>>> good
>>>>>>>>>>> way into `make check` the tests would just stop and hang. The last 
>>>>>>>>>>> time,
>>>>>>>>>>> repeatedly in 160-vhosts.t, but when run alone, that test finished 
>>>>>>>>>>> in under
>>>>>>>>>>> five seconds. I'm not sure what the issue is here.
>>>>>>>>>>> Despite the things above, I'm happy to give this a +1 if we put a 
>>>>>>>>>>> warning
>>>>>>>>>>> about R15B on the download page.
>>>>>>>>>>> Great work all!
>>>>>>>>>>> Cheers
>>>>>>>>>>> Jan
>>>>>>>>>>> --

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