On 11/11/2012 02:33 PM, Dave Cottlehuber wrote:
On 11 November 2012 21:36, john.tiger <john.tigernas...@gmail.com> wrote:
just went to compile on another debian testing machine

I'm getting that spider monkey version is too new ? xulrunner-devel-10.0

that same version formerly compiled the stable couchdb package. maybe
something else is at play here ?

Hi John,

I updated http://wiki.apache.org/couchdb/Installing_on_Debian
recently, the key packages are libmozjs-dev libmozjs2d.

If you need xulrunner for something else, you may need to fiddle a
little with the various js include parameters in configure to nudge it
in the right direction.

If that doesn't work, tell us what version of debian it is, and what
configure you're using, and I will give it a look tomorrow.

removed the xulrunner stuff - ran configure with libmozjs (as per wiki) - still same newer version error - this is on Debian Testing

I see that there was a lot of discussion on this earlier in year - hope we can resolve and should probably have something in release notes for 1.3 since many will be developing from source until pkgs catch up

Also re the python sphinx installation - failing on the "source" line - what is source supposed to be ?


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