On Jan 31, 2013, at 16:26 , Benoit Chesneau <bchesn...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:16 PM, Jason Smith <j...@iriscouch.com> wrote:
>> Yes this is the problem. You are right. This is Jan's answer. CouchDB is
>> already resilient to a few different runtimes.
>> - having more concurrency for couchapps and view indexation
>> Love it, but out of scope in this thread.
>>> Imo one of these problems can be solved by improving the view protocole.
>> I
>>> think we could work on a new protocole. And while we are here really
>>> document the current one as a specification in text.
>> Love it, but of scope in this thread.
> But if we change the view server, we should also think about it.  For
> example the implementation of couchjs in node is using fibers and try to
> add some concurrency on a protocol (stdin/stdout) that isn't . Where if we
> go to TCP or UNIX sockets we have natural system concurrency.  I am not
> sure anyway why fibers are used there if it's not about pseudo concurrency.

We should absolutely innovate on the view server, I just don’t see it
happen as-is. As per the last mail, if we open this up to an community
that cares about this a lot, we can only win without doing much work
ourselves. I don’t see how this is not the obvious thing to do.

>> But what is your "problem" to solve? If you are talking about speed and
>> concurrency and stuff, I think that is a 2.x discussion.
> i'm speaking about easing the distribution of couchdb on a big deployment
> Using v8 would allows me to build it statically and embed it in an erlang
> release. The other advantage compared node is that I won't have to make
> sure that nodejs is still running, not idling etc. In other word it would
> reduce the stack.

Why can’t we embed node with v8 into Erlang? That is totally something I
want to go towards. I just don’t want to overcomplicate things and make
the query-server model work first. The embedding then can be an optimisation.

>> Can someone please specifically describe a "sandbox" feature? CouchJS
>> passes the test suite. So what does the sandbox do?
> did it many time. See my other mail where I tried to summarise it again.

Can you give me a link? I was rather busy with CouchDB Conf prep in the
past weeks.


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