Thanks all for participating!

* * *

The next meeting is on Wednesday, February 13th, 2013, 2pm GMT.

Note the timezone change (6 hours earlier) to accommodate other time zones.


On Feb 6, 2013, at 21:35 , ASF IRC Services <> 

> Members present: jsonified, tilgovi, Jarda, jan____, kocolosk, chewbranca, 
> Wohali
> ----------------
> Meeting summary:
> ----------------
> 1. Preface
> 2. 1.3.0
>  a. Wohali to round out COUCHDB-523 (jan____, 2)
>  b. Jan to solicit review for COUCHDB-1654 (jan____, 2)
> 3. Fauxton
>  a. Fauxton getting ready to be submitted to the ASF (jan____, 3)
> 4. AOB
>  a. Next meeting is on the same date, but 6 hours earlier (jan____, 4)
> --------
> Actions:
> --------
> - Wohali to round out COUCHDB-523 (jan____, 20:15:52)
> - Jan to solicit review for COUCHDB-1654 (jan____, 20:18:14)
> IRC log follows:
> # 1. Preface #
> # 2. 1.3.0 #
> 20:11:44 [jan____]: quick report for me: the only outstanding issues so far 
> are COUCHDB-1654 and COUCHDB-1667
> 20:11:52 [jan____]: I plan to commit 1667 after the meeting
> 20:12:22 [jan____]: 1654 needs review by view server savy people. I’d like to 
> get at least a pair of eyes form benoitc kocolosk or davisp on here. Haven’t 
> heard anything yet
> 20:12:38 [jan____]: it looks farily complete to me, so I think we can start 
> shipping 1.3.0 after that.
> 20:12:45 [jan____]: anyone anything to add for 1.3.0?
> 20:13:29 [jan____]: ACTION plays jeopardy music
> 20:13:37 [kocolosk]: thanks a bunch for hacking on that jan____
> 20:13:37 [chewbranca]: SHIP IT
> 20:13:44 [jsonified]: any documenty stuff needed?
> 20:13:44 [kocolosk]: it's been a very busy week for me
> 20:13:52 [kocolosk]: i haven't forgotten about it
> 20:13:59 [Wohali]: jan____: 
> 20:13:59 [Wohali]: oops
> 20:13:59 [jan____]: kocolosk: my pleasure, I learned a lot.
> 20:14:07 [Wohali]: jan____: i still have that thing to port back but it 
> doesn't have to be in 1.3.0
> 20:14:07 [jan____]: eager to get it reviewed though :)
> 20:14:14 [chewbranca]: let me know if there is anything in need of testing on 
> 1.3
> 20:14:29 [kocolosk]: understood
> 20:14:29 [Wohali]: COUCHDB-523
> 20:14:53 [jan____]: Wohali: ah check
> 20:14:59 [jan____]: I wasn’t entirely accurate
> 20:15:07 [Wohali]: i'll try
> 20:15:07 [Wohali]: rephrase
> 20:15:14 [Wohali]: i will make time for it this week :)
> 20:15:15 [jan____]: there are is also 1313 that rnewson wanted to do, but we 
> can bump that easily
> 20:15:37 [jan____]: 
> 20:15:44 [jan____]: Wohali: cool, thanks
> 20:15:52 [jan____]: #action Wohali to round out COUCHDB-523
> 20:16:01 [jan____]: chewbranca: all the testing, any time, installs, updates, 
> performance.
> 20:16:37 [chewbranca]: jan____: sounds good
> 20:17:17 [jsonified]:
> 20:18:14 [jan____]: #action Jan to solicit review for COUCHDB-1654
> 20:18:22 [jan____]: ok, anything else on 1.3.0?
> 20:18:52 [jan____]: cool.
> # 3. Fauxton #
> 20:19:59 [jan____]: chewbranca: all yours
> 20:20:08 [jsonified]: 
> 20:20:22 [Wohali]: that's a big ship
> 20:20:30 [chewbranca]: fauxton is coming along, licenses added for most 
> everything, will update the NOTICE file tonight
> 20:20:40 [chewbranca]: and have a few last 3rd party libs to check the 
> license on
> 20:20:45 [chewbranca]: but should be good to go soon
> 20:21:07 [chewbranca]: also of interest, I pushed out the functional UI of 
> the new view editor yesterday if anyone wants to check that out
> 20:21:22 [jan____]: #info Fauxton getting ready to be submitted to the ASF
> 20:21:37 [chewbranca]: those were the two big status updates
> 20:22:14 [jan____]: cool
> 20:22:22 [jan____]: Jarda: any specific questions for fauxton
> 20:22:52 [Jarda]: jan____: regarding the issue tracking and repository etc
> 20:22:53 [jan____]: tilgovi: ohai, we’re just covering fauxton, and did 1.3.0 
> before. if you want to hook in, after the fauxton topic it is AOB
> 20:23:48 [Jarda]: jan____: but I guess the license update already told most 
> of it
> 20:23:49 [tilgovi]: oh, neat. I thought it was the other time today.
> 20:23:54 [tilgovi]: glad to stumble in
> 20:23:57 [jan____]: Jarda: it is going to be in the CouchDB source tree 
> proper. Issues can go into CouchDB JIRA, or 
> 20:24:24 [jan____]: Jarda: you won’t need to be able to BUILD CouchDB to work 
> on Fauxton though, we ship with a proxy feature that lets you work against, 
> say IrisCouch
> 20:24:39 [Jarda]: jan____: yeah I have the dev env up and running
> 20:24:54 [jan____]: coolio!
> 20:25:02 [Jarda]: just would like to see a proper roadmap with issues or such
> 20:25:09 [jan____]: any more fauxton business?
> 20:25:30 [jan____]: Jarda: gotta refer you to chewbranca, but I believe there 
> is a collection somewhere
> 20:25:30 [Jarda]: to better get a grip of what needs to be done (well at the 
> look of it, a lot)
> 20:25:52 [jan____]: understood
> 20:26:07 [chewbranca]: current rough todo list is 
> 20:27:22 [jan____]: woot
> 20:28:07 [jan____]: okay, anything else futon related?
> 20:28:17 [chewbranca]: not from me
> 20:28:22 [Jarda]: nope
> 20:28:25 [Jarda]: (I like it a lot)
> 20:28:44 [jan____]: cool
> # 4. AOB #
> 20:28:59 [jan____]: anything else?
> 20:29:07 [Wohali]: +1 on wikitext in jira, plz
> 20:29:07 [jan____]: the latecommers, any more topics?
> 20:29:14 [jan____]: Wohali: ECHAN
> 20:29:22 [Wohali]: jan____: no word on my acct, do you have to do anything?
> 20:29:38 [jan____]: Wohali: also ECHAN :)
> 20:29:44 [Wohali]: lol sorry
> 20:30:07 [jan____]: tilgovi: I’d love a review on 
> 20:30:37 [tilgovi]: oh great. can do. I was just reading that code on the 
> plane.
> 20:30:44 [jsonified]: yup, we propose to do next week's meeting at the 
> earlier (for europe) timeslot.
> 20:30:45 [jan____]: coolio then. letting this sit for a minute and closing 
> out the meeting
> 20:30:47 [jsonified]: was that 3pm?
> 20:30:52 [jan____]: tilgovi: perfect!
> 20:30:55 [jsonified]: or 2pm UTC?
> 20:30:59 [jan____]: jsonified: yes
> 20:31:01 [jan____]: 6 hours earlier
> 20:31:23 [jan____]: #info Next meeting is on the same date, but 6 hours 
> earlier
> 20:31:30 [jan____]: 2pm GMT,
> 20:31:37 [jan____]: -,
> 20:34:09 [jan____]: ok cool EOM

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