Kind of a follow-up question to this.  I've found in my testing that when a
new node comes online in a cluster, it only syncs the raw data, but not the
views.  Is there a way to enable syncing of views across cluster nodes as
well?  Basically I want all the nodes in my cluster to be exact replicas of
each other.  We have some relatively large DBs (~4GB) whose views take
awhile to generate.

To expand on the previous scenario, if the downed node comes up without any
views, and a client hits hit, that client needs to wait for the view to be
generated - even though it exists on the other nodes in the cluster.  And
that wait time can be 15-30 mins in some cases, which really isn't
acceptable when the view is already generated, just not on this particular

On Wed, Jan 25, 2017 at 8:59 AM, Garth Gutenberg <>

> Scenario:
> I have a three node cluster.  One of the nodes goes offline (server dies,
> whatever).  I bring up a new node with no data and it starts sync'ing with
> the other nodes in the cluster.
> How do I know when this sync is complete and the new node has all the
> data?  I'm dealing with thousands of DBs, so doing a doc count in each one
> isn't really feasible - at least not in a timely manner.  Is there a log or
> API somewhere that indicates completion of data synchronization from a
> server perspective, not just individual DBs?

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