Hey guys.  I'm having a problem that I hope someone can shed some light on.

I have a 3 node cluster.  I just imported 420 DBs into node 0 (about 20gb
on disk) via bulk insert and triggered view indexes along the way.  Nodes 1
and 2 were happily replicating (or whatever the cluster term for that is
now), and all was good.  Import completed, all the boxes were dormant.
However when I load Fauxton on node 1, I get the following message beside
each DB:

This database failed to load.

Each DB has the following log entries for it when it's being accessed on
this node:

[error] 2017-02-06T17:35:32.309294Z
<0.1206.9> 0ef0b93a1b req_err(1995524407) internal_server_error : No DB
shards could be opened.
    [<<"fabric_util:get_shard/4 L180">>,<<"fabric:get_security/2
L19">>,<<"chttpd:process_request/1 L291">>,<<"chttpd:handle_request_int/1
L229">>,<<"mochiweb_http:headers/6 L122">>,<<"proc_lib:init_p_do_apply/3
[notice] 2017-02-06T17:35:32.309544Z
<0.1206.9> 0ef0b93a1b couchdb1.aries.aws.weeverapps.com:5984
undefined GET /app_18950%2Fconfig 500 ok 1

It looks like it's appending the search domain to the FQDN for some reason,
but only on this node.  Also, if I query for membership I get:


Both nodes 0 and 2 appear to be operating fine.  Thankfully this is still
in a lab environment, but we'd really like to get this into production, so
would like to understand/solve this problem asap.

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