
On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 8:25 AM, Joan Touzet <woh...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hello PMC Members and developers,
> Subsequent to the confusion recently over the proposed change to an
> as-of-yet-unreleased API change, and follow-on concerns that existing
> HTTP API endpoints not be deprecated without sufficient warning, I am
> proposing a change to the CouchDB Bylaws.
> https://github.com/apache/couchdb-www/pull/27
> This change proposes a mandatory developer mailing list notification and
> at least a Lazy Consensus decision whenever a backwards-incompatible
> change is made to a release branch, or to master. It encourages the same
> for any non-breaking change, but stops short of requiring it.
> It also takes the step that changes to master constitute a technical
> decision of the project, since our intention is that master is always
> releasable, and quite often new minor releases of CouchDB are forked
> from master, not the previous major or minor release branch.
> As this is a "Create or amend any document marked as official"
> decision, it is being announced to the main development list. A lazy
> 2/3rds majority is required to pass the change, meaning to pass it must
> garner three or more binding +1 votes, and twice as many binding +1
> votes as binding -1 votes. Only PMC Members may cast binding votes. No
> vetoes are allowed.
> CouchDB PMC, please vote now.
> -Joan

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