
Both proposals are fine but need a consumer process. Which is a tricky 
requirement because it will lead to problems in cases when queue grows faster 
than we can consume it. This realization got me thinking about finding possible 
ways to eliminate the need for a consumer.

I wouldn't spell out the final solution right away since I want to demonstrate 
the thinking process so others could build better proposals on top of it. 

Essentially, we need to de-duplicate events. In order to do that we need to 
know when given database was updated last time. We could maintain database 
level Sequence number and store global changes feed in the following form:
   UpdateSequence = (DbName, EventType, PreviousUpdateSequence)

Then every 10th (or 100th or 1000th) transaction can trigger a compaction 
process for updated database. It would use PreviousUpdateSequence to get 
pointer to get its parent, read pointer to grandparent, cleanup parent, and so 
on so force until we wouldn't have anything to clean up.

This is a terrible idea for the following reasons:
- Including UpdateSequence is expensive since we would need to add one more 
read to every update transaction
- recursion to do cleanup is expensive and most likely would need to be done in 
multiple transactions

What if FDB would support a list type for a value and would have an atomic 
operation to add the value to the list if it is missing. In this case we could 
store the data we need as follows (under separate subspace TBD).
VersionStamp = (DbName, EventType)
DbName = [versionstamps]

In this case in order to de-duplicate events, we would do the following:
- every once in a while (every 10th (or 100th or 1000th) update transaction (we 
would use PRNG ) to specific database) would execute compaction algorithm 
- Read list of versionstamps for older updates and issue remove operations for 
every version stamp except the biggest one
- update history value to include only biggest versionstamp

The question is how we would implement atomic addition of a value to a list. 
There is an IBLT data structure (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1101.2245.pdf) which can 
help us to achieve that. IBLT consists of the multiple cells where every cell 
has the following fields:
- count
- keySum
- valueSum
- hashkeySum

The beauty of this structure is that all fields are updated using blind 
addition operations while supporting enumeration of all key-values stored in 
the structure (with configurable probability). Which is available in FDB (aka 
atomic addition).

For our specific case it doesn't look like we need valueSum (because we only 
need keys) and hashkeySum (because we wouldn't have duplicates), so we can 
simplify the structure.

Best regards,

On 2019/03/20 22:47:42, Adam Kocoloski <kocol...@apache.org> wrote: 
> Hi all,
> Most of the discussions so far have focused on the core features that are 
> fundamental to CouchDB: JSON documents, revision tracking, _changes. I 
> thought I’d start a thread on something a bit different: the _db_updates feed.
> The _db_updates feed is an API that enables users to discover database 
> lifecycle events across an entire CouchDB instance. It’s primarily useful in 
> deployments that have lots and lots of databases, where it’s impractical to 
> keep connections open for every database, and where database creations and 
> deletions may be an automated aspect of the application’s use of CouchDB.
> There are really two topics for discussion here. The first is: do we need to 
> keep it? The primary driver of applications creating lots of DBs is the 
> per-DB granularity of access controls; if we go down the route of 
> implementing the document-level _access proposal perhaps users naturally 
> migrate away from this DB-per-user data model. I’d be curious to hear points 
> of view there.
> I’ll assume for now that we do want to keep it, and offer some thoughts on 
> how to implement it. The main challenge with _db_updates is managing the 
> write contention; in write-heavy databases you have a lot of producers trying 
> to tag that particular database as “updated", but all the consumer really 
> cares about is getting a single “dbname”:”updated” event as needed. In the 
> current architecture we try to dedupe a lot of the events in-memory before 
> updating a regular CouchDB database with this information, but this leaves us 
> exposed to possibly dropping events within a few second window.
> ## Option 1: Queue + Compaction
> One way to tackle this in FoundationDB is to have an intermediate subspace 
> reserved as a queue. Each transaction that modifies a database would insert a 
> versionstamped KV into the queue like
> Versionstamp = (DbName, EventType)
> Versionstamps are monotonically increasing and inserting versionstamped keys 
> is a conflict-free operation. We’d have a consumer of this queue which is 
> responsible for “log compaction”; i.e., the consumer would do range reads on 
> the queue subspace, toss out duplicate contiguous “dbname”:“updated” events, 
> and update a second index which would look more like the _changes feed.
> ### Scaling Consumers
> A single consumer can likely process 10k events/sec or more, but eventually 
> we’ll need to scale. Borrowing from systems like Kafka the typical way to do 
> this is to divide the queue into partitions and have individual consumers 
> mapped to each partition. A partition in this model would just be a prefix on 
> the Versionstamp:
> (PartitionID, Versionstamp) = (DbName, EventType)
> Our consumers will be more efficient and less likely to conflict with one 
> another on updating the _db_updates index if messages are keyed to a 
> partition based on DbName, although this still runs the risk that a couple of 
> high-throughput databases could swamp a partition.
> I’m not sure about the best path forward for handling that scenario. One 
> could implement a rate-limiter that starts sloughing off additional messages 
> for high-throughput databases (which has some careful edge cases), split the 
> messages for a single database across multiple partitions, rely on operators 
> to blacklist certain databases from the _db_updates system, etc. Each has 
> downsides.
> ## Option 2: Atomic Ops + Consumer
> In this approach we still have an intermediate subspace, and a consumer of 
> that subspace which updates the _db_updates index. But this time, we have at 
> most one KV per database in the subspace, with an atomic counter for a value. 
> When a document is updated it bumps the counter for its database in that 
> subspace. So we’ll have entries like
> (“counters”, “db1235”) = 1
> (“counters”, “db0001”) = 42
> (“counters”, “telemetry-db”) = 12312
> and so on. Like versionstamps, atomic operations are conflict-free so we need 
> not worry about introducing spurious conflicts on high-throughput databases.
> The initial pass of the consumer logic would go something like this:
> - Do a snapshot range read of the “counters” subspace (or whatever we call it)
> - Record the current values for all counters in a separate summary KV (you’ll 
> see why in a minute)
> - Do a limit=1 range read on the _changes space for each DB in the list to 
> grab the latest Sequence
> - Update the _db_updates index with the latest Sequence for each of these 
> databases
> On a second pass, the consumer would read the summary KV from the last pass 
> and compare the previous counters with the current values. If any counters 
> have not been updated in the interval, the consumer would try to clear those 
> from the “counters” subspace (adding them as explicit conflict keys to ensure 
> we don’t miss a concurrent update). It would then proceed with the rest of 
> the logic from the initial pass. This is a careful balancing act:
> - We don’t want to pollute the “counters” subspace with idle databases 
> because each entry requires an extra read of _changes
> - We don’t want to attempt to clear counters that are constantly updated 
> because that’s going to fail with a conflict every time
> The scalability axis here is the number of databases updated within any short 
> window of time (~1 second or less). If we end up with that number growing 
> large we can have consumers responsible for range of the “counters” subspace, 
> though I think that’s less likely than in the queue-based design.
> I don’t know in detail what optimizations FoundationDB applies to atomic 
> operations (e.g. coalescing them at a layer above the storage engine). That’s 
> worth checking into, as otherwise I’d be concerned about introducing 
> super-hot keys here.
> This option does not handle the “created” and “deleted” lifecycle events for 
> each database, but those are really quite simple and could really be inserted 
> directly into the _db_updates index.
> ===
> There are some additional details which can be fleshed out in an RFC, but 
> this is the basic gist of things. Both designs would be more robust at 
> capturing every single updated database (because the enqueue/increment 
> operation would be part of the document update transaction). They would allow 
> for a small delay between the document update and the appearance of the 
> database in _db_updates, which is no different than we have today. They each 
> require a background process.
> Let’s hear what you think, both about the interest level for this feature and 
> any comments on the designs. I may take this one over to the FDB forums as 
> well for feedback. Cheers,
> Adam

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