On 2019-05-23 11:15, Paul Davis wrote:
> I'm pretty happy with the ExUnit we've got going for the HTTP
> interface and would be an enthusiastic +1 on starting to use it for
> internals as well.

Wait, where's the full ExUnit implementation for the HTTP interface? Is
that Ilya's PR, or something that Cloudant runs internally?

If you mean the slow conversion of the JS tests over to Elixir, I wasn't
aware that these were implemented in ExUnit already. Learn something new
every day!

> The only thing I'd say is that the adapter concept while interesting
> doesn't feel like it would be that interesting for our particular
> situation. I could see it being useful for the 5984/5986 distinction
> since its the same code underneath and we'd only be munging a few
> differences for testing. However, as Garren points out 5986 is going
> to disappear one way or another so long term not a huge deal.

+1, the intent was to deprecate 5986 for CouchDB 3.0, and obviously it's
gone for 4.0.


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