I was only looking at a small part of the documentation.  What I was hoping
was that there was a tag in the apt or vm processing that would allow us to
insert text.  And then figure out how to load that text from the
application itself.  There are several outputs that would be good to

But I have also thought about how to revamp the entire documentation
building/maintaining exercise.  But I am not a documentation expert so I am
hoping we can find someone to assist who has the experience.

On Sat, May 4, 2024 at 9:11 PM P. Ottlinger <pottlin...@apache.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 04.05.24 um 12:40 schrieb Claude Warren:
> > Is there a way to execute a Java application, capture the output, and
> > insert it into an index.apt.vm file?  If so I would like to generate the
> > help for the CLI and insert it during the build process.
> As there are so many XML/TXT/maven-site files with the help contents I
> thought of generating these files as part of the build.
> Is that the same what you intended to do?
> I'm not sure if this could somehow be accomplished via an antrun- or
> maven-exec step in the site build ....
> https://www.mojohaus.org/exec-maven-plugin/usage.html
> If I understood you correctly we would like to call the "--help" option
> and pipe its output to a file that is included in the site build, right?
> I filed
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RAT-374
> for the issue.
> Thanks for bringing it up!
> Cheers,
> Phil

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