
Claude Warren commented on RAT-163:

[~eskatos] will you have time to look at creating a plugin that works with the 
0.16/0.17 framework.  I think that you will find it much easier to produce a 
plugin that supports the new capabilities.

> Gradle Rat plugin
> -----------------
>                 Key: RAT-163
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/RAT-163
>             Project: Apache Rat
>          Issue Type: New Feature
>            Reporter: David Chen
>            Assignee: Jochen Wiedmann
>            Priority: Major
> A number of new Apache projects, such as Samza, are using Gradle. However, 
> there currently does not exist a Rat plugin for Gradle. The closest 
> alternative, the Gradle License Plugin 
> (https://github.com/hierynomus/license-gradle-plugin) is not flexible enough 
> compared to Rat for use cases such as defining exclusion rules.
> I have created a preliminary Gradle Rat plugin as part of SAMZA-285 and would 
> like to clean it up and make it a proper Gradle Rat plugin.

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