There is a 3.2.1 release slated for end of Oct.  The major changes are:
uimafit 2.1 upgrade, cleakTK upgrade, New temporal relations models.
Below is a summary of what was scheduled to go in (some may be still
Feel free to edit/update Jira if you believe something should be
included/omitted in preparation...


   - [CTAKES-124 <>] -
   remove internal UIMA types from coreference
   - [CTAKES-312 <>] -
   upgrade uimafit


   - [CTAKES-76 <>] - get
   third party dependencies into Maven Central
   - [CTAKES-155 <>] -
   SimpleSegmentWithTagsAnnotator assumes all section names are 5 characters
   - [CTAKES-162 <>] -
   Command line scripts leave the user back one directory
   - [CTAKES-169 <>] - is in core, but the sample
   SectionSegmentAnnotator.xml descriptor is in ctakes-clinical-pipeline
   - [CTAKES-178 <>] -
   parsing of medication strength does not verify a number was discovered
   (strength value includes both the dosage and strength value in some cases)
   - [CTAKES-213 <>] -
   ModifierExtractorAnnotator should produce XxxxModifier subtypes
   - [CTAKES-241 <>] -
   NullPointerException in ctakes-assertion
   - [CTAKES-275 <>] - some
   of the older junit tests don't have the right Project name in the run
   - [CTAKES-280 <>] -
   upgrade to cleartk-2.*
   - [CTAKES-285 <>] -
   cleartk-ml-liblinear needs to be added to the dependencies
   - [CTAKES-302 <>] -
   Element type "hibernate-mapping" must be followed by either attribute
   specifications, ">" or "/>".
   - [CTAKES-307 <>] - URI
   is not hierarchical when running mvn install
   - [CTAKES-309 <>] - Add
   SNOMEDCT_US to ytext db scripts
   - [CTAKES-310 <>] -
   Dictionary lookup permutations sort issue
   - [CTAKES-311 <>] -
   v_document_cui_sent View returns no results in cTAKES-YTEX


   - [CTAKES-77 <>] - Update
   POSTagger Unit Tests
   - [CTAKES-78 <>] - Update
   Chunker unit tests
   - [CTAKES-94 <>] -
   refactoring assertion module to use a cleartk-based analysis engine (and
   include evaluation)
   - [CTAKES-122 <>] -
   include LVG with a future version of cTAKES?
   - [CTAKES-172 <>] -
   relation-extractor is using StatusAnnotator and NegationAnnotator instead
   of AssertionAnnotator
   - [CTAKES-222 <>] -
   FirstTokenPermLookupInitializerImpl to suppot arraylist of
   - [CTAKES-225 <>] -
   Common Type System - Add field to save preferredText in Segment
   - [CTAKES-295 <>] - Use
   UIMAFit-style configuration annotations


   - [CTAKES-74 <>] -
   Tokenizer PennTreeBank breaks with certain apostrophes in tokens.
   - [CTAKES-138 <>] -
   Remove 3rd party jars from our SVN
   - [CTAKES-232 <>] -
   change concept type
   - [CTAKES-315 <>] -
   Update Default UMLS pipeline to use dictionary-lookup-fast

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