Go through the error that you got, and look for a message like:

Failed to initilize.  Invalid UMLS License


Error: Invalid UMLS License.  A UMLS License is required to use the UMLS 
dictionary lookup. 
Error: You may request one at: https://uts.nlm.nih.gov/license.html 
Please verify your UMLS license settings in the 
DictionaryLookupAnnotatorUMLS.xml configuration.

If you see that message, you see a possible solution.  If you have a umls 
username and password, make sure that they are set correctly for the cTakes run.

If you don't see that message, check 
resources/org/apache/ctakes/dictionary/lookup/umls2011ab/umls and see if it 
contains a rather large .data file.  If not, then go through the process 
detailed at http://ctakes.apache.org/downloads.cgi in the section entitled 

If you have the .data file, then let us know and we'll try to push forward.


-----Original Message-----
From: Maite Meseure Hugues [mailto:mmhug...@medmergent.com] 
Sent: Monday, January 05, 2015 9:33 AM
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: Question about CPE/ descriptor and xml file.

Hello everyone,

I am a new user of cTakes and I would like to integrate it in my code to run it 

I followed the example in the cTakes package but I have an error message 
regarding the descriptor:

[...] 03 Jan 2015 13:39:33  INFO UmlsDictionaryLookupAnnotator - Using 
ctakes.umlsaddr: https://uts-ws.nlm.nih.gov/restful/isValidUMLSUser: 

Exception in thread "main" 
org.apache.uima.resource.ResourceInitializationException: Initialization of 
annotator class 
"org.apache.ctakes.dictionary.lookup.ae.UmlsDictionaryLookupAnnotator" failed.  
(Descriptor: <unknown>)

Do you know how I can fix that?? My goal is to get in output the same XML file 
than the CPE.
Thanks a lot for your time.

Best regards,

Maite Meseure

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