Our request is for a read-only mirror.  However, if it ever becomes i/o, I 
don't know if this will have what you want, but http://git.apache.org/
Links to documentation (mostly server setup) http://www.apache.org/dev/git.html 
and a wiki (check toward middle and bottom for committer info) 

-----Original Message-----
From: Miller, Timothy [mailto:timothy.mil...@childrens.harvard.edu] 
Sent: Tuesday, February 17, 2015 12:31 PM
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: Re: CTAKES mirroring on github.

Is there any existing resource to help people who want to use git understand 
the right workflow to contribute to ctakes? (i.e. how this interacts with svn 

On 02/17/2015 12:23 PM, jay vyas wrote:
> Hi CTakes.  Looks like infra finally got  onto the JIRA i made for 
> this a while back.  They are currently working on fixing a couple of 
> minor glitches w/ the mirroring (not showing all commits)... but there 
> now is a mirror for CTakes on github.
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__github.com_apache
> _ctakes&d=BQIBaQ&c=qS4goWBT7poplM69zy_3xhKwEW14JZMSdioCoppxeFU&r=Heup-
> IbsIg9Q1TPOylpP9FE4GTK-OqdTDRRNQXipowRLRjx0ibQrHEo8uYx6674h&m=4sEI9mOp
> kTz6K-DjmNU1s8Do1TGA0_10HqJcowKpDxc&s=fNVbyXzpBLSAG6-DIjBZ1vbMp0JGaX90
> Lcdzg_EFVvM&e=

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