Hi Tom,

> I am passing my UMLS login and password on startup as arguments ... 
> "-Dctakes.umlsuser=myusername -Dctakes.umlspw=mypassword"
That is fine.  If I understand correctly you are already running this way 
without problem.  The comments in the .xml files should probably be extended to 
include mention of the cmd parameters.

> [I] downloaded [AggregatePlaintextFastUmlsProcessor.xml] from the svn and 
> replaced the old cTAKES 3.2.1 ...
I think that this should be fine.  Java code for each annotator may have 
changed, but I don't think that any class names (by which annotators are 
called) have changed.  The best way to know for certain is to run it, and if 
you haven't seen any problems then I think that you are in good shape.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Devel [mailto:deve...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, March 06, 2015 3:20 PM
To: dev@ctakes.apache.org
Subject: Is it necessary to put UMLS login into files when passing them with -D 
to the JVM?


in AggregatePlaintextFastUMLSProcessor.xml of cTAKES it states that:

[...] Please update DictionaryLookupAnnotatorUMLS.xml file with your UMLS 
username and password.

Similarly, in AggregatePlaintextFastUMLSProcessor.xml from 

[...] Please update
resources/org/apache/ctakes/dictionary/lookup/fast/cTakesHsql.xml file with 
your UMLS username and password

I am passing my UMLS login and password on startup as arguments, when starting 
the either CVD/CPE or org.apache.uima.examples.cpe.SimpleRunCPE
argumets such as:

"-Dctakes.umlsuser=myusername -Dctakes.umlspw=mypassword"

In such a case, it is still necessary to modify the file(s) above?

Additional question: It seems that the
AggregatePlaintextFastUMLSProcessor.xml from 
  has some nice improvements (using DrugNER and default fast pipeline). I just 
downloaded it from the svn and replaced the old cTAKES 3.2.1 file with this 
one, and it seems to run just fine and cTAKES does annotations. Can somebody 
from the devs or users tell me if this manual replacement step is OK and does 
not break anything that I am not aware of?

Many thanks for answers on any of my questions, Tom

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