Hi Ben,
I think the ctakes-gui in the sandbox area is really outdated and
hasn't been maintained in a long time (hence in sandbox).
But there was a old thread [1] that you may find useful.


On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 at 12:56 PM, Ben Yu <ben...@pharm.utah.edu> wrote:
> Hi ctakes group,
> Is the ctakes gui actively maintained? I downloaded it and followed Pei's 
> installation guide (not entirely because some of the instructions don't seem 
> to apply), and after some maneuvering I had it up and running with tomcat7. 
> When I try to bring the app up http://localhost:8080/ctakesgui/, the 
> login.html page came back blank. I noticed that the login.jsp (which seems to 
> be the file Spring mvc mapped to for login.html) used some external 
> javascript files and one of them, i18n.js is missing. I have not used it at 
> all and not sure what it is. Is that the reason why I got the blank page? Am 
> I missing some other front end stuff? The body tag does not have any content 
> in it.
> Thanks, and appreciate any help.
> Ben Yu
> Software Design Engineer
> College of Pharmacy, University of Utah
> 801-587-7751

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