Welcome back James!  Good to hear from you again. 
Out of respect for the others in the community who already volunteered to be 
RM, I do not see an need for BCH to override existing volunteers. Unless they 
unable or unwilling.
Would you/others agree? 

Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 27, 2017, at 2:23 PM, James Masanz <masanz.ja...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm James Masanz -- if you've been on the dev list for more than a couple
> years, you might recognize my name from my previous contributions to
> cTAKES, which include having been a release manager.
> I've joined the Boston Children's Hospital NLP team. I will be devoting
> significant energy to the next release of cTAKES, and I volunteer to be the
> release manager for it.
> My initial thoughts are that we could make the "fast dictionary lookup" be
> the default dictionary lookup, incorporate the dictionary GUI from sandbox,
> and call the release 4.0. I'm also interested in migrating the Wiki away
> from Confluence to Apache's moin-moin instance. I'm sure there are other
> things to include in the next release as well.
> You'll be hearing more from me over the next few weeks as I review the list
> of issues in Jira and get caught up with details of what's been going on
> while I was less active here.
> One thing I would like to track for release candidates would be a list of
> what is tested on which platforms, which could be as simple as a post with
> a matrix of src/bin/other vs. linux/windows/mac, and making sure we have at
> least one volunteer to test the install and run of a pipeline for each
> entry in the table. Future releases might expand on that to include
> tracking multiple pipelines across environments, etc.
> I'm happy I'm returning to being active in the cTAKES community!
> -- James

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